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Elroy JE


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After a two-week rest (and a little practice in the backyard) Elroy put it together for his second JE leg on Saturday in Rochester Washington. 

The weather alternated between sunny and pleasant, and ominous. 


Elroy's morning attempt was a fail because he spent too much time noodling around on top of the dens, visiting the judge, etc. and did not make it in time. Once there he worked well, so still a good outing. Just not a qualifying one. 

A long time until the afternoon test, so time to hang out, have lunch, munch on treats, and make new friends.


Second test in the afternoon Elroy still noodled around above-ground a bit at first, including a visit to the judge again, but this time he decided to get down to business and enter the tunnel in time to make it to the rats on schedule, arriving at a heart-stopping 41 seconds (rules allow 45 seconds to get there).  Once at the quarry he worked well for the required time for a Pass, his second leg, and the amusing title "Junior Earthdog." 


Elroy's a very gentle, somewhat soft dog so it's great to see him building confidence and developing his voice. Next spring when earthdog tests resume in the Northwest we will tackle the Senior den and the many ways to fail that the Senior test offers :P 

As proud as I am of Elroy, I have to say I was pleased to be witness to a Glen of Imaal  (Ciarán?) who finally achieved his JE after 8 years of trying. That's terrier spirit (dog and owner). Well done you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bravo Elroy!! Congrats on passing your Junior Earthdog JE test and I am sure by next spring you will make great efforts in scoring your Senior Earthdog SE title! Get them rats little man! Enjoyed seeing the pictures and hearing how well the event went.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great job, Elroy and the team that got him to the test! His sister Aila did well at ED this spring, and we’d love to give her those same chances to fail at Senior. Recall is not her strong suit.

There was an ED test at Woodland this past weekend that we would have attended. Unfortunately, the committee that set the date didn’t check the show schedule, and there was a conformation show in nearby Napa the same dates. Aila had to give up her ED aspirations to go to the show with her little sister. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brad, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to log in and read this post!  Please allow me to offer VERY belated but heartfelt congratulations to you and Elroy on his earning his JE!    I hope, now he's gotten a taste for sniffing out Mr. Rat that he gets more excited and eager for his Senior and Master den work, and you can have some fun times next spring!

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