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Puppy coats

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I have question.  Amos already has adult coat coming in, not much wisp puppy fluff to pull at all. I've never seen adult coat come in that fast, is there really anything I should do? maybe just tidy up his head and ears ? He's 10 weeks right now, i was expecting puppy fluff to pull. ( Orange collar - you can see his back in the photo, his undercoat it red)

Now his brother Walter (blue collar) who is showing classic puppy wisps that are almost ready to pull, but not just yet as when I tried to pull some of it today it wasn't coming out easily with my fingers.  He might stay red, i'm not seeing any brindle in his undercoat right now. The breeder said she thought he'd stay red, but his dam is brindle and all bets are off. Someone I knew had a wheaten with just one little black spot of brindle that I found when I taught her to groom, and that dog darkened up around 7. It was interesting to see.

Thanks in advance for the advice



Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


If there's no fluff I'd say leave it be until/unless there is some!  We've occasionally seen puppies called "slicks" that have nothing but tight coat from the start. Their coats can be rolled when they get longer, in the usual way. Plenty of opportunities to yank coat lie ahead :) 

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6 hours ago, bradl said:

If there's no fluff I'd say leave it be until/unless there is some!  We've occasionally seen puppies called "slicks" that have nothing but tight coat from the start. Their coats can be rolled when they get longer, in the usual way. Plenty of opportunities to yank coat lie ahead :) 

LOL.  Yes, I was looking for my opportunity to get them started on the grooming table. I've realized that the earlier you do this, the more receptive they are. I don't even have nails to trim.  Brad you'll be impressed, we've got them running from the kitchen crate, through the dining room, through the living room, through the sun room out the back door to the back yard...with no accidents in the morning. And we've go them running the same circuit when they come in.  Having an older dog is really helping.

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Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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