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Reco's for a hand stripper in Westchester County, NY .


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Would anyone have a recommendation for a hand stripper in the Westchester area.  I live in Bronxville, NY but anywhere within in an hour would be fine.  

Appreciate the help in advance.


Kind regards... 


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It might be possible to get a referral from a breeder in your area; they often know other breeders or exhibitors who do grooming.

The national club has a list of breeders sorted by state:  https://cairnterrier.org/index.php/Breeders/list-by-state

Breeders and exhibitors tend to also have contacts in other double-coated terrier breeds who can often do a fine job of stripping or rolling a coat. If you can get to a dog show (safely) you can also potentially get referrals or make contact with folks who groom terriers while visiting in the grooming areas.


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