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Does your Cairn 'talk?'

Toto-lee Cairn

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Some time back, there was a discussion on barking.  At that time, I had noted my Toto, now 3, had become a 'barker.'  

Update:  Toto is 'talking' to us, and to his brother, Rupert (a 12-year-old Weimaraner).

Scenario: early a.m. out-to-potty before breakfast.  So the puppies, as we affectionately refer to them, go out first thing, then it's breakfast, back out, and time with Mom and Dad, who try to drink coffee. If Rupert is dilly-dallying, Toto raises Cain, as if to say, "Get your butt in here.  Breakfast!"  He will run between the laundry room, kitchen, and out the back, to bark at him.  It doesn't stop until Rupert indicates he is on his way.

During the day, if I ask the boys if they need/want to go out, Toto barks for Rupert to come to the door.  He runs to the office, checking for Rupert, to the laundry room to peer into Rupert's crate, our bedroom, etc.  The only place Toto will leave Rupert alone is if he is in his crate. If we have a snack, the little stinker barks as if to say, "Hey, what are we? 'Chopped liver?'"

The funniest barking is at bedtime.  If Toto thinks we are distracted, and he wants to go to bed, he stands up and starts raising the devil.  It doesn't stop until one of us indicates we are moving, including Rupert, who has usually crawled under the bed and is safe behind the dust ruffle.  Toto will direct Rupert to outside for last potty-call, back indoors, to their respective crates, if Rupert isn't moving fast enough.  Treat. Crates closed.  Lights out.

Throughout the little guy's short life, we have laughed about missing-the-mark on his name.  As a puppy, we thought it should easily be 'Tasmanian Devil.'  It is sometimes 'Little Stinker, Little Sh*t,' and any assortment of names.  Mama, of course, calls him her 'Main Man, Puppy, Baby, and Toto-licious.'  Daddy and I, however, are thinking about 'Sarge,' now.


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  • 1 month later...

Good one -- 'authoritarian.'  It has NOT let-up.  I do get tickled at his barking orders to poor Rupert.

Add now that the two boys have been on high alert for the deer that are decimating the yard, and the squirrels busily burying and hiding the acorns.  Toto has gotten brazen:  he lets Rupert escort the deer off the lot, while he uses the distraction to scurry up the street to the fire hydrant in a neighbor's yard.  Just far enough that I will go after him, in nightclothes and flip-flops.  *Stinker*

He loses his privilege of going out into the yard, sans leash, for a good while.  It drives him nuts, so when Rupert is let out the door to chase the deer, Toto barks his fool head off, as if to spoil Rupert's fun.

It's like having two boys, the dogs' ages.  The 12-year-old has to contend with the 3 1/2 -year-old, and poor George and I are constantly 'policing' the little stinker.


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  • 2 years later...
On 8/16/2021 at 5:41 AM, Toto-lee Cairn said:

The funniest barking is at bedtime.  If Toto thinks we are distracted, and he wants to go to bed, he stands up and starts raising the devil.  It doesn't stop until one of us indicates we are moving, including Rupert, who has usually crawled under the bed and is safe behind the dust ruffle.  Toto will direct Rupert to outside for last potty-call, back indoors, to their respective crates, if Rupert isn't moving fast enough.  Treat. Crates closed.  Lights out.

that's hilarious haha. when fonzie was with our late Odie (shih-tzu) they never really talked to each like that at all. honestly, they actually got into fights over my mom. for example one time they were licking her feet on the couch and it ended up in mayhem i had go out and help break it up. i think fonzie would though if he had another cairn terrier friend, they love to communicate.


your post reminded me of something that happened about 8 years ago at my grandma's house. fonzie howled once before bedtime in my bedroom. it literally sounded like a wolf howl. was a long WOOOOOOHHHH followed by another. it scared the bejesus out of me and he's never done it since LOL

Edited by Newman

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