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Before and afters

Toby's mum

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The hairy mop is what we brought home from the cat anc dog shelter five months ago.  The slightly less hairier version is now.  







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He is lovely! Such a handsome boy. Welcome to a most awesome web site about Cairns and their pals.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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When I took him to the groomer she said he hadn't been groomed in well over a year.  His hair was down to the ground.  She said he's definitely a brindle.  He shrunk by about a third without the hair.  We had to take him to nothing all over as he was so matted he wouldn't let me do his back end, chest tummy legs or face.



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