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Our winter garden visitors

Sam I Am

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How can anything so small survive our -40...every winter it never stop amazing me! Little stick legs with no fur or feathers on them! We leave lots of various seeds out including suet and we have a constant bird buffet happening. Downy woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees and many more feathery friends....even the rotten old magpies which of course Sam does his best to chase off, get in on the action.


Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Our birdfeeder is a delight for our winter entertainment--song birds, finches, hawks, magpies, robins, squirrels, and deer visit it daily.  Bonnie and Sammi enjoy hours of viewing daily and does their dad!

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I think we need more videos of the girls in the snow. Now that Lori and Dempsey (Our  beloved farm manager )no longer have great videos with life on the farm, it’s up to you to take up the slack.😋

Although Lori if you are reading this perhaps videos of Elsie, Kitty and possibly the new guy would be great.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Our little Angus discovered the birds at the bird feeder early into his residency in our house.  Bark bark bark bark bark...

We have several feeders which are suctioned onto the dining room windows, and we had confined Angus to the kitchen and dining room.  He did get used to the birds, thank goodness.  However, the squirrels that occasionally try to get on the feeder from the fence (they jump, and always miss - it's hilarious...) drive both Angus and Oban nuts. They are on squirrel patrol (and also rabbit patrol) whenever they go into the back yard. 

And I am amazed, Terrier Lover, at how resilient birds are in our MInnesota winter.  We will see them lined up along the trellis by the garage door, a south-facing perch, protected from the wind and warming themselves in what little warmth comes from the sun shining there.  

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Here are my two--a couple of years back during a blizzard--"white out" conditions.  The bird feeder is in the tree in the background.
This video proves that sometimes Cairns exercise warmth and comfort over the whole concept of winter adventure!


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Smart girls!😀 

Idaho's "Cairn Terriers In The Snow" video shows how nothing us uprights can offer them will compete with the joy and exuberance of pooches playing together! It's a pleasure to watch and is the reason I take Ruffy to the dog run, even though some folks may disapprove. 

Edited by sanford
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Yeah, as they get older weather takes on more importance but I do miss those "younger" years when it was all "go for it" play.  Here's a winter video from some years back when Bonnie was a pup and determined to best her big sister but ended up getting smushed by Sammi.  I miss those romps but all things great and small do have to change with age.  Enjoy the "joy"!


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2 hours ago, Terrier lover said:

How can anything so small survive our -40...every winter it never stop amazing me! Little stick legs with no fur or feathers on them!

To address that question... I recently rescued 2 abandoned baby nestling pigeons and brought them to The Wild Bird Fund Sanctuary hospital nearby, where they were cared for and eventually released after they had grown and fledged. I was amazed when I handled the little birds... Their fluffy, downy bodies were more than warm - they were almost hot, despite the cold weather! It's amazing how nature provides, with insulated fur, and in this case - feathers. As a side note: in past years at the dog run, owners of Huskies would express their concern for their dog's overheating in winter during periodic winter warming spells.

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Another horribly cold day! We have a week of it. Sam seems impervious to this extreme cold ...as long as he has his boots on. Cabin fever has caused Cairn lunacy....much running through the back yard with the devil on his tail.😈 I hover like an anxious mum making him come in.....spring is still a long way away. The birds are going through their food like a hot knife through butter...such is life in Alberta.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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