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Giardia Blues


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Hi all,

Last week, I did a routine fecal test for little Trina Joy so she can continue with doggie daycare and they found Giardia. I didn't note any change in her bm or behavior but later noted that she was gassy (never had gas before) and her bm were soft and smelly. We started her on 5 days of liquid Panacur. I was told that we can test her again in four weeks. The sad part is she cannot visit her friends at doggie daycare until she tests negative. I have read this is very difficult to get rid of once a dog gets it. Between my husband and me, we try to pick-up her potty after each visit. However, we have a lot of wildlife, specifically, rabbits in our backyard. We simply cannot find the rabbit poop and the puppy does. In fact, she tested positive for eating rabbit poop the last time but they didn't ban her from daycare for that. Since the dogs in daycare get tested every six months, my guess is that in between, it is possible that they may be carriers and keep infecting each other. They say they pick-up after the dogs and I know they are clean/reputable but I still think this is where she probably got it. Her last test was April. We boarded her there for almost ten days in July. She visits for one full day or 1/2 day, once per week. The vet told me to be sure to pick-up her poop so she doesn't reinfect herself. However, I later read that everything needs to be sanitized, including toys or tossed away. We have not done this so I am concerned that she will test positive again. Honestly, I do not have a lot of help at home and she is my responsibility. I cannot watch her 24 hours a day and my husband tends to let her do what she wants, including not watching her as much outside as I do. Has anyone went through this and is it hard to get rid of? Also, she is due for her vaccines in a week and I am terrified to throw this on her with her immune system. I hear Panacur is safe and she stopped taking it yesterday but is it dangerous for her to get her shots with all this going on. I know the Vet will guide best but I am a nervous mom and I want/need to get her back in daycare. Thanks!

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