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Farm Dog Fun


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The AKC offers a "Farm Dog Certification" which is essentially a Canine Good Citizen test with some farm-like aspects such as exposure to livestock, farm-oriented noises and surfaces, etc. Our club put on a day of certification testing today at a member's property and Dundee managed to qualify the necessary two times to meet the criteria for certification.

It's not much of an achievement really, but it's a fun day out for dog and owner.  A couple of random photos from the day to give you the flavor of it. A few more on the CRCTC album for the event. It's possible other club members may add photos later, too.

Our helpers, some friendly Pinzgauers.


All breeds welcome, here a Beardie and an Corgi await the "going through a gate" portion of the test


Cairns Hattie and KC wait to be tied out to the fence while their handler feeds the livestock 


Oz waits his turn, too


One of the resident legitimate farm Cairns Joi in her usual spot riding shotgun in the Gator


Dundee taking a fan break after the morning test — ignore Stella's crate tag :P 


The somewhat silly title requires the gullible owner to send off a fee to the AKC make it official — of course I will do it, because doting on the dogs is What We Do



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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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How cool is this?  It's too late for Farm Manager Murphy -  he simply barks his orders and the goats and (most) chickens comply.  I do love this concept and controlled learning environment.  

Way to go Dundee!  You can come visit Must Bee Kiddin' Farm any time you want now!

Edited to ask:  Brad, did they have the dogs work around any chickens or was it larger animals?  

Edited by Tuesday
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4 hours ago, Tuesday said:

did they have the dogs work around any chickens or was it larger animals? 

Our test used cattle. The rules for FDC are derived from regulations for Herding Tests, which allow ducks, turkey, and geese, but not chickens. Other acceptable stock includes cattle, sheep and goats.

Some snippets from the byzantine rules:


Section 11. Livestock. The suitability and quality of the livestock used in tests and trials is of paramount importance. An unentered dog should work stock the day before the test and trial. Horned stock can be used but must be well accustomed to being worked by dogs and exhibit reasonable behavior.

A. The Committee must ensure that the stock are of such suitability as to provide uniform workability at all levels. Suitable livestock used for testing is healthy, noncombative (docile) and accustomed to being worked by loose-eyed, upstanding breeds. Livestock for testing must flock (group) easily and be accustomed (in the case of the fetching dog) to approaching the handler as soon as the dog gets behind them or (in the case of the driving dog) willing to move away from the handler. It is preferable that test stock be easily moved but not flighty or excessively light. Orientation to the handler should be reliable.

B. The Committee must ensure that the stock are of such suitability as to provide uniform workability at all levels. Livestock used for trials should be healthy and accustomed to being worked by loose-eyed, upstanding breeds. Trial livestock should flock adequately when pressured by the dog and be accustomed to approaching and being handled by people. They should not be knee huggers and should accept driving as easily as fetching. Trial stock should be dog broke but not course trained, although they should be reliably familiar with obstacles and their negotiation. 


Note: Whenever the word “ducks” is used in these 18 Chapter 1, Section 22 regulations, it is understood that geese and turkeys may be used in place of ducks, provided the premium list states that geese or turkeys will be used. Whenever the word “sheep” is used in these Regulations it is understood that goats may be used in place of sheep, provided the premium list states that sheep and/or goats will be used.


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CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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