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Earthdog Lullabye


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Sheesh.  I didn't know this was encouraged.  We hear much the same -- with the same intensity -- whenever the neighborhood squirrels come into our yard.  And they do with annoying regularity.

In the winter I go outside and throw snowballs at the squirrels to get them to leave -- for a while.  In the summer, we just yell.  Neighbors walking by have sometimes wondered why we were yelling at them to "go away."  I think we are getting a reputation for being a little "squirrelly..."

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2 hours ago, Kathryn said:

Sheesh.  I didn't know this was encouraged.

90 seconds of continuous work required at Senior and Master. 

Back when AKC was trying to figure out how to make a title beyond Master (Endurance Earthdog was the proposal) there was discussion about what that title should require. One judge I like suggested digging as many short tunnels as dogs entered in that category, add a quarry box at the end of each, put the dogs in their tunnel in the morning and at the end of the day any dogs still working got a Q. 

He may have been serious :P 

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