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Where are the tulips!

Sam I Am

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Although I am very grateful we are not experiencing deadly storms that are battering the east coast of the US, I truly am fed up with our winter. It just seems to go on forever here. We missed the huge snow storm that southern Alberta received but we have a steady snow fall, making the roads “fun” to drive. 😱 As Albertans we are equipped to handle these kinds of conditions, it just doesn’t make  for a fun  time though. We have often thought about moving to the west coast but they have been getting their share of wet snow/rain, mud slides...so perhaps just freezing our butts off for months on end is starting to sound ok. 

No walkies for the kids today...they would be lost in the snow.


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Oddly enough, even though I’m in a more temperate area of the US, my weather tends to be similar to what a friend in Montreal gets.  I just get a lot less snow than she does. Lol.  Inevitably as soon as my daffodils start to bloom, I get snow. March tends to be more prone to blizzards than the actual winter months, and quite often we get a weekend storm that melts away during the week. 

My daffodils and bluebells are a couple of inches above ground now so I’m wondering if this bomb cyclone Riley is going ro be the last of our winter weather or if we are in for a surprise blizard later. Winter storm Quinn is pounding the west now and it might come on the heels of Riley. I lost power for a few hours and I know a lot of people who had tree damage and still have power outages. I was lucky I was spared from the wet part of the storm. All I got was wind, but sixty mile per hour gusts and sustained winds of forty plus mph is nothing to sneeze at! Eep! Nikki and I are still catching up on our sleep since we did not get any while Thursday night’s wind shook my house and flung branches at the windows. 

Edited by Lupinegirl
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Here in "protected" NYC, we usually don't experience the severe weather that hits other parts of the country and Canada, but this storm was more fierce than I can ever remember.

I took Ruffy for his usual 3 daily walks and we came back frozen and soaked through each time. It was snowing huge flakes, combined with rain, sleet and hail, all at the same time throughout the day and into the night. The battering winds blew everything horizontally, slapping me in the face with painful, stinging hail, making it almost impossible to keep my eyes open. Ruffy has never before been daunted by rough weather which I attribute to the fact that he spent his first 3 years living near the Canadian border, but even he was having a hard time walking in the wind and weather and seemed as relieved as I was, each time we returned home.

Bad as it was, I can't complain when I read that the weather was even more brutal and dangerous for others!

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Have faith!  Spring will inevitably come, even to Alberta.:)

Our snow is all gone thanks to warmer temps and torrential rain about a week and a half ago.  I've managed to get out in the yard and do some clean-up.  The daffodils, crocuses and tulips are starting to come up.  Nattie is loving all the new scents of spring - although we're going to have to work on getting her to respect my garden.  (She thinks the garden is her personal toilet.)

Sanford:  Hang in there.  That storm looks positively brutal!



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