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Grooming Malfunction (Shame on me)!


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As you can see from the "After" pic, Ruffy is understandably camera-shy due to his disastrous haircut! As bradl would say... he now looks like a cat! (I included a "Before" pic to compare).

I can't believe this could happen, after 15 years of cairn ownership, with never a grooming failure like this. As I've always done in the past, I thought I did all the right things: brought the groomer 4 photos showing the proper "medium" - not short - grooming length and natural look for a cairn terrier, identified Ruffy to the groomer as a cairn terrier and discussed "no conditioner, no cologne, no spa treatments", etc., etc. I don't know what else I could have done, but in addition to the brain-dead groomer, I keep blaming myself! I will spare you the details re my initial stunned reaction and complaint to the management of the chain pet-care salon I took him to, but the bottom line is that they made no protest or justification and gave me a full refund as well as a free bag of food. Needless to say, I'd much rather have Ruffy's beautiful coat back!

The only thing I'm proud of is that in spite of my anger, I was uncharacteristically able to hold my temper at this fiasco ... Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he looks amazingly cute... all wrong...but so cute, that it actually takes the edge off my temper, and makes me smile when I look at him - until I revert to staring in disbelief!😱




IMG_1207.jpg coat txture.jpg

Edited by sanford
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You did all you could do. No matter, I'm certain his innate charm is unmarred. Pretend he's simply gone undercover to infiltrate a Dogs of New York gang. 

It looks like they may have mercifully left some coat on his head and face. 

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Oh my.  At least they gave you a refund for that less-than-stellar grooming job.  I'm sure Ruffy will recover.  With or without all his hair he's still a handsome gent.

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5 hours ago, bradl said:

...It looks like they may have mercifully left some coat on his head and face. 

Yes - Compared to his body I consider his head to have been relatively unscathed. Not the show quality, which we often see on this site, (which I wouldn't have demanded from this groomer), but  "commercially acceptable", to use the standard phrase - and a result I would not have complained about. So at least the cuteness quotient is still intact. Whew!😊 See photo


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Even with a bad body trim, he is an absolutely adorable dog and still has his mop about the ears...

As I have said before, I am a real sucker for the blonds with dark eyes.  

You are gorgeous, Ruffy.

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Thanks to all, for understanding, and for the encouraging words. Now that Ruffy reached an age where I'm no longer stripping him, I took a chance, going to this chain-store salon. I had mixed feelings about taking Ruffy there, and In hindsight  I feel I should have paid attention to my instincts. But to be fair, I've shopped there for years for food and supplies, and the staff knows us both and they've always been very friendly and welcoming.

I'd like to believe that I've recovered my sanity by now... but I'm a cairn owner, so who knows?😜 At any rate, I bear them no ill will.

Edited by sanford
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Awe he Is so adorable. Face it no matter what you do to a Cairns fur they will still be so cute you can hardly stand it. You just can't ruin a Cairns looks!!!!!!  Ruffy you are one handsome pup!

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