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Life preserver?

Betsy Leiss

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Hello! I searched on Chewy and Petsmart and I can't find a life preserver for Berneen. Does anyone have any suggestions? She's not, which means I'm not, going boating until she gets one. 

And thank you all for your comments on spaying. She's had it done and is fully recovered!


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When we took our guys rafting many years ago we picked up some no-name vests, probably from Amazon (here are many).  The single handle on top was great for lifting them up.  They loved being on the water, guarding the raft, and telling off threats on the shore :P 

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Thanks bradl! She loves anything new or different. When in a new environment her tail wags like mad as she runs around exploring. I hope she doesn't outgrow this  behavior!  She's going to love the boat, I'm sure.

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By life preserver, if you mean the round, donut shaped ones, I can't recall ever seeing those for dogs, but I have definitely come across a number of sites (including Chewy.com), offering life jackets for dogs. They have floats inserted the front, which keep the dog's head up and out of the water. A google search should turn up some.


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Thanks Sanford! I can use my Chewy discount. I searched "life preserver". Honestly, the only other term I could think of is a "Mae West". Jacket eluded me entirely! 

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Try “life jacket.”  And do get one with a handle on the top, they’re invaluable!  We live in a big lake and while I don’t make our dogs wear life jackets on the dock or playing/swimming, they do wear them on the boat and JetSki.  And yes, my dogs love to ride the JetSki!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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