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Puppy Vaccinations - Ideas, Thoughts, Tips?


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Hello, all.

I am a very happy but extremely nervous, new puppy owner after almost 14 years. Perhaps, it's because I was more self-absorbed and wrapped up in my career the last time around, but I have never been so nervous about this new puppy. Before, I didn't think about much but just having fun with a new puppy. Perhaps, I am still very sensitive due to the loss of my little angel on Labor Day. I've cared and went through costly and timely emergencies this past year with my two senior Cairns. I'm very jittery!

We purchased our little girl from a reputable breeder who provided the vaccine info on Saturday. The pup was born on Memorial Day. She has currently been administered two of the DHPP vaccines at breeder. Before we left with her, the third vaccine was administered by breeder which was Solojec (refrigerated brand at Farm and Fleet). I believe others were given to her at Petco. The breeder is very knowledgeable about Cairns and has bred them for many years. Our first Cairn rescue 13 years ago was adopted from her, too. Our little girl is very happy, eating well and has only been at the breeder and in our fenced back yard/patio. We are in a suburban area with fenced yard but have the occasional wild animal who passes through to our garden. This may be rabbits, oppossum, raccoons, etc, coyote? No deer. I have leashed her and she has still gotten things in her mouth but not unsupervised.

I have her first vet appt. on Wednesday evening. I plan to carry her in and not put her on the floor. However, our shoes, clothes will be exposed. As you can see, I'm terrified that she will get sick. The vet appt. scheduler did not help by telling me that these prior vaccines may not be have been appropriately refrigerated or given, etc. I can tell they would want to give another parvo shot --- but I don't want to do this on her too soon again. It could make a healthy pup sick.

Any experiences to share? Thoughts? Sadly, vet clinics are corporate based these days and we have spent a lot of money (not sure if much of this is money-driven). I want what is best for the dog. I've even thought of visiting a holistic vet.  Thanks! Gina

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Just some thoughts.…

Some good information about vaccines: http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vmth/small_animal/internal_medicine/newsletters/vaccination_protocols.cfm

Your fears are normal and understandable and you will have to find a balance that works for you. While I would not let my own small puppy play in a dog park, or swim in a foul creek, or on a commercially maintained "perfect" lawn that is probably heavily chemically treated,  I do not hesitate to let them explore our suburban backyard. If there is an obvious critter nest, we would simply fence or block it off to prevent the pup from eating feces and whatnot. Yes there is *some* risk and we accept it. We don't worry about the vet's office exam room, but we do tend to keep our puppies in a small crate while in the waiting room.

There is some period of risk that is inevitable when dealing with small puppies but my philosophy has always been that the damage that comes from an inadequately socialized dog is lifelong and vastly outweighs the small risk of letting a puppy experience the world. While I don't have a citation for you my personal belief is that it is likely that the number dogs killed (put down) due to behavioral problems is considerably larger than the number who are lost to a puppyhood disease.

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Some suggested sites you might want to check out:

healthypets.mercola.com- Dr. Karen Becker

Rodney Habib- Planet Paws

Dr. Barbara Royal - the Royal treatment-

They have lots of info about your concerns. I tried to limit the amount of vaccinating that was given to Tewcsby. The majority of Vets seem to have a protocol that they adhere to. Our vet is both a regular vet and a holistic one. Check out "titer" testing - it would tell you  whether the immunity is high enough in your dog to not require another vaccination. 

This past year we had this done for Tewcsby and he didn't need another vaccination - he was still immune. It may be a bit more cost than the shots, but you may end up paying more in the long run if they end up with health issues.

i would be prepared should they suggest an added shot of the same thing. As for going to the vet, we took him in & out of the vet in his crate- no touching the floor, until he had all of his needed vaccinations.

check out the sites....there's lots of details there- also if they suggest another of the same vaccination- I'd get another opinion. You want a vet who is open to some of the ideas you will read about, such as 'titer' testing.




Edited by Min D
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Bradl, as always I appreciate your guidance and thank you for your shared links. I will definitely review.

I agree with you 100 percent. There are risks to everything; but I also know how it can be to over-shelter a child or dog from natural elements! My understanding is assisted by being an only child :)

My thoughts are if this dog received her third shot, in the series on Saturday (which the vet may not feel comfortable because it was from Farm and Fleet), despite all advice, I AM NOT going to let them give her another shot on our visit this week. Right now, she appears a happy, healthy puppy. I will hold off on taking her around other dogs for a couple of weeks and maybe, consider another shot later after I do more research. Too much of anything can ruin a healthy immune system. I leash her and also let her roam wild in her backyard, I intend to keep this up!



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As I understand it maternal immunity protects the puppy for a period of time and defeats the value of any vaccine given while maternal immunity is active. The only one of the series that really matters is the one given after that immunity drops off. I think that is why most protocols want one vaccine at or after 16 weeks. The earlier ones are insurance in case maternal immunity drops off before 12 weeks or so. 

Following a single booster in about a year I think the immunity duration is up for debate and can be assessed by titer. 

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Thank you, Bradl. It seems from the research that I have done that the Solojec vaccine sold by Farm and Fleet vaccines administered by breeders/owners is rated fine. She gave this to my girl on Saturday. She was born on Memorial Day so I guess that would put her in the range for the last shot in that protocol range. I had no idea of its importance which makes it even more challenging for me now to debate. Ugh! My guess is I could have a titer done in a couple of weeks before I determine to replace this vaccine which I really do not want to do (I have no reason to believe it didn't do its job beyond the fact that it was purchased from the refrigerated case in Farm and Fleet and the breeder administered). I realize this sounds risky but I also find double dosing a healthy dog even more riskier :(    --- The breeder stated that I might consider the titer and do again in a few weeks but I just hate to have all this worry on my mind!


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Min D,

I will definitely do the titer. I was told that it is expensive. However, if need be, I will shop around. I just don't think it would be worth putting a healthy pup through another potential unnecessary vaccine.

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