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Yogurt serving size


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It has been pretty toasty here the past few days and I have been tempted to give Sassy some ice cream. But after reading up on the possible pitfalls of that it is out. Read that plain yogurt is a good substitute.

My questions are what is the serving size for a treat? How do you serve it, frozen or just cold out of the fridge? What do you serve it in. I suspect if frozen it is served right out of the single serving size container it came in. How often do you serve it?

Look forward to hearing your suggestions and thanks in advance.


Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Just make sure that the ingredients don't include Xylitol. Doesn't hurt us but is very bad for dogs. I would just give a teaspoon as some dairy products give some dogs the Hersey squirts. Our dogs love a tiny scoop of ice cream or frozen yogurt.:P

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I've added plain yogurt to Buffy's and/or Ziggy's meals from time to time when they've had an upset stomach.  Seemed to help.  I don't recall exactly how much I used but I imagine it was a tablespoon or two.  If you give Sassy frozen yogurt I would recommend chopping it up a bit first. 

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Nikki got a cold headache from trying to bite and gulp a frozen doggie dessert. He jumped and blinked rapidly when it hit him. Lol  I usually let it melt a bit so that he can lap it up instead of biting it. He seems to prefer shallow bowls or paper plates over my cereal or storage bowls. If I give him a paper plate, he'll chase it around the kitchen before deciding enough is enough and picking it up to carry to the den and putting his paw on it. XD 

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There's recipes on the web for frozen dog treats; you might check those out for using whatever supplies you have on hand.  The peanut butter/fruit ones make pretty good people-pops, too.  Size-wise, I fill regular ice cube trays 1/2 to 2/3 full; so I can give more than one throughout the day, if I want. 

Had a brain f..t trying to remember the name 'Frosty Paws' a commercial dog treat, that I guess started the idea of homemade frozen dog treats.  Still available, have a look for info  http://www.frostypawstreats.com/

I saw a big-dog or party size version of a frozen treat years ago using a tube or bundt pan; defrost enough to turn out, then stake through the hole into the ground to control 'mess' locale.  Can work for 'smallers' who can share.  I do remember some of the instructions saying you could freeze in multiple differing layers if you wanted.

[And how I could forget 'Frosty Paws' name, after having my westie mistaken for their original mascot years ago when staying in the same hotel! Had no clue that there were "2 westies" in the hotel until someone said "oh, this one is so much friendlier than that other one" and I said "other one?"  A man stepped up and said he was the handler for the Frosty Paws mascot, they'd be in the hotel for a couple of days.  Somewhat embarassing since he'd heard the comment, although it was true, mine was a total attention-hog.] 

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I had to go to that Frosty Paws website. Looks like an excellent treat for dogs. Then I checked their Facebook page. What a bunch of adorable dogs.

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