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Bradl wrote:

"...Another fairly significant update to the forum software has been made available and we'll be updating in the relatively near future. Typically after an update there will be a period where a few things are broken or there may be new settings I haven't yet found and set correctly — rest assured I'll be busily trying to find and fix anything I can..."

Thanks Brad... I hate updates!:P

Edited by sanford


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Sorry!  Me too a little bit.

While  I (usually) like the new features and improved performance I hate the anxiety about whether or not things are going to break or if the site will simply implode, leaving me nothing but cryptic error messages and tears.

I feel compelled to stay reasonably current for security reasons, mainly, and bug fixes.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting very close.  Probably this afternoon or tomorrow.

I've installed the update on my test forum and have been trying to learn enough so that I can more quickly install the new theme (header, colors, etc.).  

One new feature is an optional front page view that does the work that the Who We Are block is currently doing — showing the latest posts. So I'm thinking of removing that block (shown below) to see how it goes.  


You'll be able to toggle back and forth between showing the list of forums  or showing a list of recently active topics (just like you see at the top now) — with the added ability to filter out forums you may not be interested in.

Click the left control icon to see the normal forum hierarchy.   (Images are from a test forum, not CairnTalk)

forum view.png 

OR, set the home page to show recently active topics from any or all the forums ... 

topic view.png

Your choice! I will *probably* set the default view to the first option, the list of forums, so that new visitors can get an overall sense of what we are about. I will probably set my view to the second option, because I like keeping up with what's new :) 

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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