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Dogs in Colombia

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Just back from a month travelling around Colombia. A beautiful country, and very appreciative of renewal of tourism. I was travelling with a couple, old friends of mine, and we felt safe at all times (well, maybe except for some crazy taxi tides...). 

Lots of dogs roaming the streets, but none looked starving or mangy unlike other places I have been. This guy followed us on a 5 km walk out of town to a nearby coffee farm. He came into the cafe with us, lay down under our table, and eventually walked back to town with us. The next day we were having coffee in a cafe on the square when I saw him trotting along and said, "There's our dog!"

He seemed very interested in my shoes, traces of Gus?

Gus had a great time while I was away. He got to play in the snow - a lot of snow - unnatural for balmy Vancouver Island - and I got to miss the worst of it.


Edited by Islander
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Gus must have been thrilled to see you again! Sounds like an amazing trip . Welcome back to Canada.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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