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Bark Box?


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How do I use Bark Box and how is it different from entering a comment in any of the other categories (i.e, Health and Fitness, Cairn Life)? Can I respond to comments in Bark Box? If so, how? Just curious.


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Never mind! I finally got it - by reading back to Dec 2016 Bark Box and discovered that I had previously asked the same question.:blush: I'm not proud to confess that sometimes I need to be told something twice before it eventually sinks in!:whistle:

Edited by sanford
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Pro tip I accidentally learned: if you click on someone's name within the Bark Box feed it inserts an "@mention" that I believe both highlights your response to that one person and sends them a notification they've been mentioned (if they have their notification preferences set to do so).

Basically the Bark Box equivalent to typing @username in a regular post box. For example, @Tess Case 

Posts do a lot of this sort of processing in realtime but generally the bark box doesn't process until after you submit your comment. For example a shortcode smiley will just be a colon and close parenthesis while typing, but it will get converted after posting. Same with URLs to images. If it can find the image and display it, it will embed the image. Pretty slick.

Best thing about this app is it was free. 

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8 hours ago, sanford said:

I'm not proud to confess that sometimes I need to be told something twice before it eventually sinks in!:whistle:

Sounds like a Cairn! Except mine needs to be told things more than twice. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Um, I have to admit that I might have read about BarkBox but I forgot.  You're not alone, Sanford.  Now I have to go look it up...  

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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