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Party poopers!

Autumn & Lola

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Hi everyone. Lola here!  This morning was *awesome*!  I was outside in my yard and it was really windy.  I was running around and ducking under the clothes that were hanging on our clothesline.  All of a sudden the wind really started whipping up!  I heard a strange noise and looked up. The clothesline had ripped in half! The clothes were flying *everywhere*!  It was so funny!  I started barking and chasing the clothes around the yard. Then Daddy and Mummy came rushing outside and my Daddy said, "I don't believe it!"  The clothes prop was on the ground, Mathew's jeans were stuck in the raspberry bushes and Mummy's jacket was halfway across the yard. All of the other clothes were still blowing around. Yippeee!  When Daddy went to grab his t-shirt, it flew out of his hands. It was so funny to watch them chase the clothes as the wind blew them again and again! Haha!  Then Mummy said I had to go in because the wind might blow me away! I thought she was crazy, but I went in. What a party pooper!

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Lola where is a camera when you want one!! You must have been born in England Lola, because you call your Mum, Mummy. Mummy's really can be party poopers I know! I get told to come inside when I am rolling on my  back in something stinky or even better, something muddy! By the way have you seen Fake Lola around?


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Lola, that must have been a BLAST!  I'm going to tell my mom to start hanging clothes outside.  "Chase the windy clothes" sounds like a great game!

Yours in Terriernicity,


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55 minutes ago, Terrier lover said:

Lola where is a camera when you want one!! You must have been born in England Lola, because you call your Mum, Mummy. Mummy's really can be party poopers I know! I get told to come inside when I am rolling on my  back in something stinky or even better, something muddy! By the way have you seen Fake Lola around?


Hi Rosie!  Yes, I was born in England, right here in West Yorkshire.  Mummy calls herself 'Mommy' because she is from another country. I don't hold it against her, though.

I used to roll in mud, too, until we got the stones.  I don't roll in them but I like to kick them all around and re-arrange them!  Nope, Fake Lola must be fake Lola-ing at his own house. Good riddance, I say. :D


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45 minutes ago, hheldorfer said:

Lola, that must have been a BLAST!  I'm going to tell my mom to start hanging clothes outside.  "Chase the windy clothes" sounds like a great game!

Yours in Terriernicity,


Hi Buffy! Oh it was! Yes, tell your mummy to hang the clothes outside so you can run in between them and watch them flap in the air. Sometime a peg goes 'boiiiing' and pops off the line and it is fun to try to catch it before it hits the ground. :D Sometimes my mum washes all my toys and hangs them on the line and I jump so high to try to get them down, but I haven't been able to yet. One day. :)


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