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Housebreaking help

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Rylee's mama

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So I have two questions on housebreaking. 

Are cairns hard to house train? 

How long does it usually take to housebreak a cairn? 


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We have had two and no. As a matter of fact super easy. You just have to be vigilant and not leave them any length of time without a potty break outside. 

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Here's a link to a thread on housebreaking, including the method I used on Addie. It took Addie about 6 weeks to be 100% reliable using the method I used. It was MUCH easier than I thought it would be (Addie is my first dog on my own).


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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Idaho Cairns

Cairns are, by far, the easiest dogs I have ever had to housebreak.  They are smart and very responsive to commands and praise--two of the techniques that help to get them straightened out on what they should be doing.
Might want to research the numerous postings here on this forum concerning methods to housebreak Cairn pups--plenty of good experience to review on those posts.

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My puppy Midge is just over 4 months. I take her out to the garden at regular intervals and always after a nap. She immediately performs , responding well to the command "quick"and praise. However if I leave her even a little too long she doesn't hesitate to do it indoors. She doesn't "ask" to go out or show any sign of preparation. Maybe I am expecting too much too soon. I've had dogs but this is my first puppy.

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It was like that with my Angus too. I think sometimes young muscles find it hard to keep little bladders closed! He grew out of it and so will Midge.

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I would say my Rocky has been hard to house train. I had previously raised and housetrained six other dogs (all different breeds, none of them terriers) with no problems. Right around 6 months he seemed like he was catching on by going to the back door and looking out. Then around 7 months he started marking in the house, so we had him neutered. (that seemed to take care of that)  Now at 10 months everything is pretty good, but we still have to take him out frequently like once an hour  when he is awake. hardly ever do we have any accidents now.

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These comments are useful and I thank you. I did read quite a lot about Cairn terriers before I got her, so I am not too surprised. She is so easy in many other ways and I suppose it is early days.

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My experience? Housebreaking was a breeze because my dogs were all at least 3 months old or so when I got them and they learned a lot from mom. What was hard? Digging and chewing! 


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Pepper took a bit but her poop and pee were so tiny!  We used pee pads in the x-pen and took her outside alot!  She is PERFECT now - lets us know if she has to go outside.  I gave up on the bells at the door - the cat figured it out in 1 day and rang it constantly to go out!!!  Pepper never figured out the bells.

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Pepper's Mom

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