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What if anything do you use to treat head,belly, leg furnishings to promote growth and get ready for show ?


Fingers :P  For the head and legs it's important to have multiple lengths/layers of coat as the shorter ones help the longer ones stand out. But that's an ongoing process.

Probably the most common show-prep substance I've noticed  is a wee bit of Kolesterol worked into the furnishings, allowed to dry, and brushed out. I used it as much out of habit because I was trained that way and it came to be the smell of dog shows to me! 

Many exhibitors have their personal alternatives and it seems like various other substances move fad-like through the fancy over time.  I'll admit to using Chris Christenson's Thick and Thicker from time to time.

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  • 2 months later...

this is nothing specific as to the actual grooming, just wanted Brad to know that though he claims to be a terrible groomer, he has nothing on me. Keira is really ugly now Am going to take her about 89 miles from us to ge corrected. Groomer?I am the worst ever lived, but at least I tried


Ive seen pictures of Brads Dogs. He does a wonderful job with the grooming. 

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