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A banner year for chipmunks


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Greetings from Massachusetts, where we seem to have a bumper crop of chipmunks.  Pegi is on alert all day; hunting, chasing and sniffing them out.  Walks are very long; have to stop at every stone wall to check every space.  Is it just NE or are any of you enjoying an explosion of them?

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Linda & Pegi

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Look under Hillscreek's post in the Member Status area.  Angus (in Pennsylvania) seems to have his paws full.

If you folks out east need help we could organize a caravan of Cairns to come and assist!:P

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It was a mild winter. So it is an explosive (so to speak) spring. There are plenty chipmunks in the yard and plenty more dashing across the road in front of us as we drive. Angus might be getting neck strain from whipping head back and forth. He definitely gets thirsty barking them away. I hear lap, lap, lap and have to fill up the water bowl more often than usual.

It's not only chipmunks either - squirrels are plentiful also.  We have black squirrel that enjoys jumping from limb to limb in front of Angus's watch spot.

black squirrel.jpg

I do tell him to quit barking and he simmers down some, reducing noise to that teeny bark and throaty sounds that they always have available for the last word.

Edited by Hillscreek
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2 minutes ago, Hillscreek said:

It's not only chipmunks either - squirrels are plentiful also. 

I've noticed the same thing here in the city parks. Many, many, young squirrels and young sparrows as well. Fun and games for Ruffy, (if it wasn't for that darned leash)!


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I love those black squirrels! In Edmonton we only have the smaller red squirrel, no chipmunks and at the moment very very few song birds. We have two nesting Merlins that reduce the small bird population to zero.:o but of course there kids must eat also. However it is a bit upsetting finding decapitated heads, bones and feathers! Although Rosie seems to relish rolling and trying to snack on the the remains. Even the squirrels are a bit nervous when these Hawks cruise around the yard!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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The rabbit population is exploding here.  For the past few years I haven't noticed very many of them - figured it was due to the coyotes, foxes and hawks (not to mention feral cats) - but, good grief, this year I have been seeing them everywhere.  On our morning walks I'm getting jerked in every direction by Buffy and Ziggy because they want to chase the bunnies.  

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Chipmunks and gophers galore!  We can't get out the door before Packy & Kirby are straining to run to the front yard and stick their heads down holes.  And those little critters aren't afraid of much; they just stand there when I mow and barely get out of the way.

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Pegi always has her head down in holes too!  Drives me nuts when I'm walking her.....But her buddy dogs are all 70+ lbs and sometimes being little helps when they are all surrounding a hole!


Linda & Pegi

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