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Will my Cairn's harsh coat grow back?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum but was glad to find it.

My 8 year old cairn Charlie was in a fight with another dog and his hair was pulled out

in large areas on both sides of his body. Will it grow back? Is there something that I should 

be doing?


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Welcome!  Ditto to what bradl said.  My Cairn was attacked by another dog and had to have several areas shaved for stitches.  It takes a while (and Charlie may look like  a patchwork quilt in the meantime) but the hair will grow back!  Did your Charlie suffer any other injuries?  Hope he's OK!

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Yes it will grow back. Charlie may have to start a new cairn fashion in the raggedy look for a while!

What happened? Hope he is OK.

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I can attest as everyone has said that the hair does grow back and blend seamlessly with the rest of the coat.  My cairn was attacked five years ago and had to have a couple of spots shaved on both sides of his body.  He also had a big cyst removed from the back of his ear that left him looking like someone had taken a chunk out of his head.  I remember how pitiful he looked and I thought his coat would never grow back to its original seven inch length. But it did. Within four months he had soft shiny patches of lovely new fur covering his skin. Within a year his hair was almost full length, and he had a completely healed head and ear. By the following spring I could not tell anything had happened to him. His coat's texture is the same all over, and the same thickness and length. So there's no need to worry about Charlie! He'll be as good as new in a few months. :) 

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Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and concern about Charlie! He did not have any serious injuries from the fight. He strained his back and had his hair pulled out. The other dog was actually the one that was more seriously injured. Everyone's ok now. I was told by Charlie's  groomer that his hair probably wouldn't grow back and I was feeling quite upset about it. Thanks again for sharing your stories and words of wisdom.

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