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Rose Geranium Oil as Tick Preventative


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Has anyone used rose geranium oil for tick prevention?  I've read great things about it and am trying desperately to avoid using any chemicals.  I figure it's worth a try as we do live in a high tick /Lyme disease area.  I thought about getting Jax the Lyme vaccine but candidly I read so many mixed reviews on it I'm not convinced about its effectiveness.

Additionally, Lemongrass is supposed to be a good flea control.

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Given how dangerous these possible tick transmitted diseases are and that you live in an area where there are many of these nasty critters, I would either consult your own vet or find a veterinary holistic clinic to see if there are less toxic choices. . However if not I don't think you have a choice.

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  I live where many whitetail deer roam. I give Bravecto once every 12 weeks April to November. A chewable tablet. I used to use Advantix11 which was good but had to be applied to the skin every month and was messy. Bravecto is simple chewable tablet and keeps the ticks and fleas away. I'd rather not give it but I know dogs with Lyme disease and the effects last a life time and can be deadly. Do not want to risk this.



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Agree with the above.  I understand your  hesitance to use chemicals (and respect that) but in my mind the possible risks associated with chemical flea/tick preventatives are outweighed by the thought of my dogs contracting a deadly disease and having to go through expensive and unpleasant treatment.

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