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Unread Content


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For some reason, I'm starting to see multiple comments in the same thread when I use the Unread Content feature.  I use this feature to see what's been going on since the last time I was on, but now it's listing each comment in a thread individually.  I have to click on each one to read and clear it instead of just looking at the whole thread if there's activity.

Hopefully the attachment worked so you can see what I mean.


Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Yup, the activity stream really does break things out to a granular level. To go to the last unread item (where you can then read down through the rest of the replies to the same topic, click the round button (or star, if you've posted in the topic).


You can also use the "Mark site read" link to reset the read-status of everything if you're all caught up. That should clear all 'unread' marks everywhere.

I may not have fully grasped your concern though. Apologies if I've misunderstood.

Unrelated, but relevant to the stream, you can play with the expand/collapse setting over on the right to read the shorter replies (truncated) right in place. Some people like the expanded view because then they don't have to even visit the topic. Other people hate that view because then people don't actually visit the topic. Catch-22 I guess.

expand-collapse.png.4c5e8a843c27baa67a82 toggle between the two buttons to pick the view you like. Your browser will remember however you left it.

The overall behavior of the activity stream is a HOT TOPIC on the developer's site and subject to a HUGE amount of feedback (both positive and negative). On the plus side, the developers are listening and make slight changes from time to time with new releases. So many people complained about having to click a small dot -- I used CSS to make the dot bigger on our forum -- that they plan to make the bold topic title go to the first unread topic rather than to the top/bottom of the topic.  Or at least make that a settable option board-wide. Long way of saying, the behavior may change slightly in the future.

As an alternative, I've been trying out a plugin on the front page that does a reasonable job of showing read/unread topics, albeit with limitations.


This plugin takes you straight to the first unread reply in the topic when you click on the topic title (yay) . It is cached so it sometimes gets slightly out of sync with the stream, but overall seems pretty handy. I still haven't decided if I really prefer it over the stream or not. The stream shows more different kinds of things, like new gallery images and whatnot. I use both to be honest.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Okay, I just tried out the dot/star and while I had to read backward through the thread and slide up to where I last read, I can get used to it.  I'll try the other way next time I'm on.  Thanks!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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  • 2 weeks later...

I may have found the source of the repeated listing of replies within a topic (when only a link to the topic itself is necessary).  I made an adjustment that should make the stream more normal.

If you (meaning anyone) is using a customized activity stream, you can make a similar adjustment by choosing Show me "content items only" instead of the former default setting of "content items, comments, and reviews."


Hope that helps. 

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Yes, it has been reported and the vendor says that it is a bug related to the most recent update. It will be fixed in the next update due most likely next week. I will update the banner at the top of the page when it's working properly again.

Sorry :( 

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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5 hours ago, Hillscreek said:

Thanks for update Brad. Bugs can happen. I can be patient!


We'll manage, Brad.  There are more important things in life!

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