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matted fur & cornstarch


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Hi all - I'm embarrassed and ashamed to admit I've let Sammy's coat get a little matted.  We usually have him hand stripped but I've been recovering from an illness so his coat is a bit long and I haven't been combing him like I should.  So, I read today online to get the mats out rub cornstarch on the fur and work the mats out with your finger or a comb.  Apparently the cornstarch adds some moisture to the fur so it's easier to get the mats out. That doesn't make sense to me because I've also read don't get matted fur wet but the cornstarch works!  I used a very wide tooth comb and wiggled it through the matted parts and voila!  it went pretty quickly working in very small sections.  He wasn't matted all over thankfully but mostly his hind legs.  Always a sensitive area but he was very good and was pretty patient with me.  Wiggling the comb was better of course than trying to drag it through his fur which I would never do.  After the "dematting"  he got his shampoo in the sink (me too I'm soaked) and even let me blow dry his fur-sort of. I had to hold him while doing that because otherwise he would just run away and roll all over the carpet trying to dry off.  Good thing he's only 15-16 pounds. He loves getting fluffed with a towel but it never gets his fur dry fast enough so I thought I would do the whole spa thing and finish with the blow dry.  We were good until I tried to dry under his chin and then he thought he was being attacked or something!  Well he looks just great now.  I wanted to share the cornstarch tip to everyone in case the same thing happens to someone else. I sure hope cornstarch isn't harmful to him.  It is only a very small amount that you use and it's just on the matted fur but just the same!   Please no admonishments on my lack of timely grooming.  I feel terrible I hadn't been able to keep it up as I should. 

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yes cornstarch or powder with a slight oli re avons skin so soft powder works well. I  had a friend who was a groomer and she gave me this tip. just work the powder in and leave a few minutes 6or 7 and then brush out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this handy tip! Our cairns may be perfect, but we poor uprights are not. Stuff happens. Matting happens... even to those of us who try to be attentive to our cairns needs. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

You know I'm not sure if the cornstarch would help with odor.  I didn't notice it and Sammy can sure smell like a dog.  :D  I didn't notice one way or another while I was brushing him and sorry for not responding sooner.  I've been tied up with my medical issue and just got home on Saturday.  I'll check it out since I will again be brushing him through and wouldn't you know he's gotten a little matted.  Need to get that bath in for him.  Although we treat him with Frontline, he has some fleas and also had a tick on him too. :w00t: that nasty thing is gone now but uggggh when you see them!

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