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How often do you strip your cairn?


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We had a bad grooming experience and have just made an appointment with a new groomer. In the past we have had Jagger and Eddie stripped twice a year. The new groomer said this isn't really often enough, that they recommend doing it every 5-7 weeks. She said this helps toughen the skin so that it's less annoying of a process for the dogs (Eddie has to be muzzled because he tries to bight the grooming tools), better for the skin, less shedding, etc. She said something about 'rolling' but I'm not sure what she meant.


I like them having a bit of a shaggy look, although I do love that a freshly stripped coat doesn't shed or track dirt in the house. Plus, I hate the thought of the stripping process being painful for them and if doing it more frequently would be less irritating to them, than maybe it's something I should consider. But every 5-7 weeks seems a bit excessive, not to mention expensive.


Just curious how often those of you that have yours stripped have it done? Thanks!




Jo, Jagger & Eddie


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Your groomer is correct.  Rolling the coat is keeping it in condition.  Making sure that the dead hairs are pulled so the new growth is not causing itching, etc.

We try to do it by 7 weeks...sometimes it can go as long as 10 weeks.  Nails should be done between 10-12 days, or at least check to make sure they are not causing the dog discomfort.

It is expensive if you are using a groomer.  You can also purchase a Mars comb or there like.  This combs out the dead undercoat, allows the hair to lay flatter and not so curly or look like a rolling river. :)

Brad has some excellent links and videos of him rolling the coat.  A cairns skins needs to be tough and (this sounds strange) stretchy.  By doing the coat as often as recommended the skin is better able to handle elements, and give a healthier coat.  Bathing is very minimal for a cairn....even when stinky they should be given a rinseless shampoo or damp cloth with soap and then wiped with cloth, only damped by water.

The toughest parts for a cairn to be groomed is front legs, and rear (personal area)....tail is a bit tricky too.

If you comb the hair in the opposite direction of growth you will see the long dead hairs....I know sometimes they all look long.  But the dead ones come out real easy.  Just pull a little at a time.  If you try and do this maybe....just maybe you will have a groomed Cairn in 2-3 weeks.

I highly recommend you look at Brad's links and videos....give a little try....if they don't mind you brushing them..you should be able to get a few tugs of dead hair.  After doing this (if you can every day...a few moments at a time)...you might be the next groomer for Jagger and Eddie.  Kisses always come in the end.

*tip* have someone giving small bits of treat as you pick their hair....keeps them distracted and associating this with good eats.

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We take Fearghus and Fiona to be stripped every three months, so not as often as rolling the coat. They don't seem to be worse for wear and the groomer doesn't have any problems with them being irritated.



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Thanks Shergry and Tami.


I clip their nails, butt and eye hair every two weeks, but I don't have the desire, patience (or skill!) to do the stripping. Made an appointment for 3 weeks from now so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully they don't look like schnauzers this time!

Jo, Jagger & Eddie


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I think you probably have it under control.  The only thought I could have is the "schnauzer" cut.  That would mean your groomer is not pulling their hair but using an electric razor....and that is way to close to the skin.  From my first Cairn....way long time ago....the groomer used to give her to me looking like a schnauzer also.

I must say I was not a happy camper and it was then if I was to use an electric razor I would do it myself.

So I purchased a $10 Whal Clipper...put the guard on that I desired and happy camper.  She looked like a Cairn for the most part....at that time I could not get a good looking head on her and using the clippers was of no use.  On our 18 year old (Ashes) I use the clipper due to his age and to just make him comfortable in this TX heat.  So you also could do that if you wanted...still using the brush to stimulate their skin, and keep the under coat from getting to thick or cause irritation to their skin.

From all that you have said...I am sure you are doing great things for them. :thumbsup:

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