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Ok all you Carin Terrier Lovers out there I have a really serious problem and I need some input from anyone who has had the same problem or has any possibles solutions. Here it is: I have a Carin terrier who is a little over a year old. He is a sweet little guy and he is my buddie. he seems to have a problem, I don't care what time of the day it is or whether he is sleeping, playing or just laying around being lazy. All of a sudden he will run into a corner or behind the furniture and act like he scared to death of something that is after him. he acts the same as a little puppy that is scared of his shadow. he will jump up into my lap (and he is NOT a lap dog) and sit there and look around like he sees something that is after him. He will do this for an hour to a couple of hours before he returns to normal. He sleeps at the foot of our bed and every few days he goes through this thing. he will walk around the bed at night and try to get as close as possible to us, he will not lay down and he stares into space. This will go on all night long. He seems to be scared to death. I don't know what his problem might be. he did have a high fever when he was about 7 months old. he didn't do any of this prior to his fever. (yes, I took him to the vet the very next morning and he was given antibiotis and a clean bill of health) ever since that day, he goes through this routine. He has other problems that I know other owner have had. he constantly bits on his hind legs and licks the area around his thingy. he also eats his poop and I notice on occassion when he bits and licks, his face will quiver and his teeth will chatter. When he is not going through his "scared" mode or his biting and licking mode, then he is a happy and playful little guy. PLEASE, someone help me out, I love my little buddie and it really hurts inside when he acts like this, I don't know what to do except calm him and be there for him. I have had thoughts about giving him away but then he will be lonely and so will I. Please help me and provde some kind of input on what I can do. Thanks

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JR, I am not a specialists, or anything like it. But do you think that he could be having some type of seizure? When I was a little girl we had a dog that acted something like that, just out of curiosity I typed in "Can dogs get epilepsy" on the net-and came up with similar symptoms for a mild form of it. You can check it out and see what they say if you want.

Good luck with your little buddie,


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Thanks for the input on possible problems with my little buddy Jake. I have researched the internet about Epilepsy in dogs and have discovered that Jake has nuch the same symptoms as those described. he has an appointment with our Vet tomorow ( 1-8-03 ) and I hope that can figure out what the problem is. I hope it is nothing serious. I will post and let you all know what we find out. Thanks

JR ( Jakes Daddy)

P.S. We will never give him up, he is like another child to us and I couldn't bear it without him.

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My first Cairn developed epilepsy when he was about 1 year old. We were able to treat it with daily medication. At the time (and that was 25 years ago) my vet said it was not unusual for a dog to have that disease.

I hope all turns out well

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