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Font Size Problem


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No. :mellow: That's my problem. I want it back to normal i.e about 10. I can change it but I can't make it stay! I just added a smile and it's huge. Can't think what I did

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Huh, I was wondering why you were whispering all of a sudden -- 10 is almost unusably small to me :P

Normal (appears to be 14).

Size 24 Size 18 Size 14 Size 12 Size 10

Back to normal.

Here are some formatting related buttons in the post box (click image to embiggen) - do any of them help?


Is everything zoomed up, or just the text you are entering? Is your browser stuck somehow? What happens if you close your browser and restart? Log out and back in?

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Everything is zoomed up. I logged out and back in a couple of times. toggled back and forth on the two icons. This is what I got from the left one. On the remove format nothing happened.

I wasn't sure what font number was usually used on the forum. This is the size everything is zoomed up to.

Can't locate BBC code etc.

Sorry to be a bother.

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No worries ... it sounds peevesome and we'll get it fixed one way or another. I'm just having a heck of a time imagining what you're seeing. Your post above for instance is how virtually every other post on the site looks, and always has looked. It's not even possible to set a new default font on a per-user basis, so something is definitely askew somewhere. I just wish I could recreate it so I could puzzle out how to undo it! I appreciate your willingness to try a few things.

Have you tried accessing the forum using a different browser altogether? I use Firefox at work on a PC, and Chrome on a Mac at home. Sometimes at work I'll try Internet Explorer if I need to see if there is something browser-related going on (or at home I'll compare to Safari or Camino or Firefox Mac).

When you say everything is zoomed, it is literally everything - like all the menu items, the rest of the page outside the post box, etc? Or just everything in the postbox typing area?

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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I use Firefox.This is the only web page giving me problems.

Yes everything everywhere is zoomed. Signed out signed in.Tried the wheel and control - no change.

BUT downloaded Chrome and everything is normal. Signed in roamed around all OK.

Maybe I should save this for when my eyesight gets really bad. I'm a senior citizen after all!

In the meantime its hurting my eyes and my temper.

Guess I clicked something without knowing I'd done it.

If you think of anything else to try I'll give it a go.

Thanks Brad.

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I love Chrome (unfortunately it's blocked at work so I can't use the PC version). Here's something I found about ways to change font size in Firefox. When I play around with adjusting zoom, it only affects the page/tab I'm on, so other sites look normal, but the site I'm tinkering with is either tiny or gigantic. Maybe somehow you got zoomed in on Cairn Talk and it's remembering that setting.

Sorry you're having problems with us. I don't want any Cairns giving me the Death Stare :w00t:

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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:D:lol::):thumbsup: Thank you thank you CTRL+0 did the trick. Never thought to google Firefox help.

Maybe I'll fool around with Chrome and see how I like it. What makes it special for you? :offtopic: I know. No need to answer.

I know you must get tired grooming those cairns at such speed!

Thanks again Brad.

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