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PIcassa Problems


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Okay having problems with Picasa...have tied both manually adding the link between LivingEastofeden?authkey=Gv1sRgCM3BsY6U6MmUrwE#5771193653871464162


Edited by eastofeden
Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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To get that, I just pasted the *.jpg address


into the popup box that I get from clicking the insert-picture icon. That's the thumbnail though, because Picassa is trying to drive anyone who clicks it to the Picassa site, rather than simply serve up the image alone. The second long link you posted


is to a script, which is definitely NOT supported by the forum. That script loads the bigger image, on the picassa page, rather than embedding it here. To get that bigger image, I can right click on the Picassa page version of the image, choose "open image in new tab", and then grab the image URL from the new tab:


Pasted into the image link popup:


Et voila.

I would say that Picassa is probably not specifically intended for hotlinking images into third-party resources (like forums), in the way that some pure image hosts are. Being a Google property, Picassa is more targeted at integrating with Google+ and whatnot. That's why it takes a bit of extra work to sniff out what the actual URL is to the image. My approach is usually to try and get the image on a page alone (usually "open image on new tab" or similar -- depends on your browser) and then inspect the URL in the address bar. If it ends in .jpg and the address does NOT include any ampersands or question marks, it's probably a direct link. I'll then test it with "preview" before posting to make sure it appears.

Hope that helps a bit!

p.s. Hilarious photo :P

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Thanks Brad! Easy peasy once you explained it. I figured it was a PEBKAC issue :confused:

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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