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I don't know what to do?


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Madison is a little over 1 year and although she will have submission urination at times when I come home or she gets extremely excited, lately she's been peeing almost as a spiteful action, not a medical problem.

There were a couple times where she peed on my bed, not alot, just enough to make a statement. :devil: and she knew what she did because she immediately jumped off and went into her bed (the nice and clean and dry bed) Last night it was raining really hard. Usually she doesn't mind the rain but she refused to go out. I reached to pick her up and there she is, squatting right in front of the open door on the rug! :shock:

I do the usual things when that happens and I catch her in the act....a loud "NO", pick her up and bring her outside.

Today as I'm vaccuming the living room rug which is done everyday, I see in the corner what looks to be dirt so I start to suck it up. Wrong!!! It was dried poop, not alot , just enough so I had to take the cleaner apart to get the poop out of it...the bristles, the wheels, the suction parts. Madison sees the look on my face as I pointed to it and said"What's that?" Her ears went back, tail between her legs and leaves the room. Where does she go? To sun herself on the den sofa!

Now next week I"m getting Elliott....8 weeks old. How can I prevent Madison from teaching Elliott these things? Madison will love this puppy and love playing with him. But if she's doing what she's doing now, what will she do with a little one that I'm trying to housebreak. I've always heard it's easier to housetrain a puppy when you have older dogs for them to learn from....UGH!

Any advice would be cherished at this point. :confused:

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I don't know if this will help at all - but Calli went through a "stage" like that as well! She was completely housebroken for months and then all of a sudden she wa doing teh same thing - peeing on purpose. She would wait until we were looking at her and then pee and run away. It lasted about 2 weeks and then she went back to her normal ways. All I can thing is that it could be a testing phase the way children try to push the buttons? Or a pack thing? I don't know - but it was just like what you are going through and it was very clearly on purpose. Hopefully she will stop before Elliott arrives!!

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The poop thing may not have been on purpose. Sometimes wes comes in with poopidue (You know, residue that hangs off his butt after he comes in from business.

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Hi! Riley went through the exact same phase - - it lasted about 2 weeks. He was completely trained at 8 months and then he started to pee on the floor in the house - - (also on my bed) and a few times he defecated on the rug. I continued to reinforce his potty training and also put him in a small room when I left the house. As fast as this behavior appeared - - it also disappeared.

I don't know if he was trying to assert himself or just reverted back to his puppy ways - - The only time he pees in the house is when he gets very, very excited or I have left him for a long amount of time. It seems there is never a "norm" for these little guys!!!

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Thanks so much for the help! Today she peed in the house twice. Once when my daughter and granddaughter came over....she adores my 4 year old GD. Then when my son was playing with her, actually more like wrestling and when they stopped I reach down to pick her up and she squats/pees.

I'm starting to wonder if she could have a bladder infection but why do it when I'm trying to pick her up? Whenever I want to hold her it's usually for loving and affection, never for discipline so she shouldn't associate it with anything bad.

I will never figure these little furballs out! -_-

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From my experience with Scully I can look it the problem two ways. Scully had been completely housebroken and had an episode like this where she was peeing on the floor. I remember putting a post in here and others reassuring me that their pups decided to backslide for whatever reason at a certain point.

Also, like two weeks ago when she was doing it again, when I brought a urine sample to the vet he said she had a urinary infection. Thankfully it cleared up on its own. He said that she wasn't trying to pee on the floor on purpose - that with the iritation they just can't get to where they know they're supposed to be to pee, i.e. coming to you with "that look." I was ironing and Scully came in all excited and she just squatted at my feet and peed.

Sally, I was ROTFLMAO @ the poopidue 'cause Scully came in after going potty today and I see this little "ball" of something on the floor. Here was a "dangly" that fell off her butt. I was SO proud! :whistle:

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