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Boys vs girls potty training

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Do female and male Cairn terriers or dogs in general potty train differently? Or is each dog, sex excluded, just different?

Tessa pee's all the time. She sometimes pees every 15 minutes.

I think her rate of peeing has to do with her excitement level but I took her out to potty and she peed inside her playpen 15 minutes later and there just seems to be times where she just is peeing frequently like that.

She is currently on a antibiotic and a baby antihistamine for rhionitis or something, so i don't know if that would be affecting her.

Any ideas?



Edited by DemiSheep

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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In my limited experience females are easier to fully potty train than boys.

Also in my experience medicine almost always affects potty behavior, ( it affects me too).

Judging by the way she is so cutely playing in that awesome video, that will cause a lot more potty breaks.

Tessa and Atila are both so cute. I would love for you to send them my way if you need a break.

Good Luck with the potty training and biting and chewing up stuff. I believe you have a Cairn on your hands. hahahah

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Also in my limited experience, girls tend to be a bit easier to potty train. But it depends on the dog.

The thing that I didn't know though is that girls (like boys) always keep a little pee in them for marking territory (even though girls don't usually mark, it's just a left over from when they were wild). What it means when they're little is that excitement usually means pee, even if they've JUST gone. Addie will be a year this month and she still has the occasional excited pee when she gets REALLY excited (like when someone comes home, or when she gets to go to doggie day care).

It's going to seem like Tessa is going ALL THE TIME the first few months. But believe me, she'll eventually be able to hold it for a lot longer.

The meds are also likely culprits in her need to go more often.

Edited by _whits_

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the females are easier too. Bailey and Radar are my first males and Bailey was very difficult to get trained. Everytime I thought I had it beat he would dribble in the house again. His problem was he never emptied his bladder. He had to mark the whole yard so it was a little here, a little there. Radar was not bad to train. The hardest part (for me) was males love to mark.

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I guess we'll see, so far Tessa has been a huge challenge compared to Attila, but we'll see once Tessa is potty trained - one advantage we have is Attila is showing her the ropes. :book:

...and I don't mean the ropes in the boxing ring!

Edited by DemiSheep

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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  • 1 month later...

So Tessa sometimes will pee twice in a row. I took her out this morning and she peed, and then 1 or 2 minutes later, she peed again. She then whine about an hour later letting me know she needed to go out and I thought this time she would have a bowel movement, but nope, she peed again. Attila always sits there peeing for a little while, Tessa always does quick pees, where I could count to 5 and she's done. I know Attila's bladder is bigger than hers but still... When she pees it is always the same, Attila's peeing length of time varies each time.

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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Like others say the meds may affect Tessa, plus her age, her emotional state (she's a female :innocent: ). She's still a baby. Wait a few months.Some manage to hold it earlier than others.

I always think it is great when there's an older dog to show the youngster what's what. Angus is the first dog I've had in a long time without an older buddy around. I have to teach him everything. I had forgotten how much an older dog helped with routine things.

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Tessa has been off her meds for a while now.

Yes Attila has taught Tessa so many things it's crazy! But Tessa can dig better than him...!

She learned how Attila tells us she has to go potty (laying down in front of us when we ask if they need to potty). She also learned sit and down from Attila.

Our Cairns: Attila (Sprouted 03/09/11), Tessa (Sprouted 01/14/12)

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