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Earthdog Event Take Two


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The Tampa Bay Terrier Club has announced the rescheduling of the Earthdog trial that was cancelled in December to now being held March 3 and 4 in Ocala, FL.

Murphy has been practicing his screechy bark, and is ready to get that Introduction to Quarry under his collar!

I'm sure that I, the owner/handler/and Chief Worry Wart of the family, will get even MORE anxious as the time ticks down to this event


Good luck to you and Murphy!

Some dogs are real prodigies and fly right through IQ while others need a bit of training. Has Murphy ever seen an Eathdog tunnel or a caged rat?




Murphy has not seen a tunnel or caged rat. He's not afraid of much though, but what do we have to lose? (well, my dignity.... :confused: ).

Any tips?


Good luck to you! It's a lot of fun, even if they don't get it the first time. Packy has done an Intro and went through that tunnel and worked the rats right off the bat, then wouldn't go back in. He kept running around the side, going in "through the back door" to get to the rats. I guess he figured why go into that dark tunnel when I can find a faster way to get to them? Kirby hasn't done an Intro yet but I'd sure like to give him a try. He's got the Cairns Screech of Death down pat!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 

Packy is too cute! And smart too!

Murphy has the Cairn Screech of Death down well, everyone will hear him LONG before you see him.


Take whatever you have around the house---scraps of lumber, cardboard boxes, blankets, anything---and make an open ended tunnel for Murphy. Tease him with a toy or treats to get him to go through the tunnel. If he can see all the way through the tunnel he should have little or no problem entering it. When he is comfortable with that you can add a turn. A turn in the tunnel is a real game changer, it might be best to have a helper (and lots of patience :) ) for this. Whatever you do make sure it is fun for Murphy. When it's no fun, well, it's no fun!

I don't know of any good substitute for training with live rats.

Before going to the Earthdog test read through the IQ and Junior sections of the rule book. http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/REEDOG.pdf

A lot of young dogs just don't "get it" the first few times. Some dogs just need a little more maturity and others never will care for Earthdog. My Griffin loves Earthdog but his mother and brother, both very avid hunters, know it's a game and don't care to play!



Thank you George!

I will let you all know how it turns out, with photographic (and possibly video) evidence - good, bad or ugly.


Palm Tree, Me and my circus troup may come up to Ocala and cheer you guys on. Kim


Palm Tree, Me and my circus troup may come up to Ocala and cheer you guys on. Kim

Awesome! I'll be the redhead with the loudest Cairn.

  • 5 weeks later...

Well, we received our confirmation for the Event this Saturday! I am nervous and excited, but deep down, whatever will be, will be.


Today is the BIG day!

Murphy will try his darndest to bark at the rats for his Introduction to Quarry for Earthdog.

This could be the first step in a long road of Earthdog trials, maybe!


Well, Murphy didn't pass his IQ (Introduction to Quarry).

BUT, he did really, really, REALLY well. I'm very proud of him.

I am still putting my thoughts together about the entire day, and will write more about that probably tomorrow.


My First AKC Event

I have had some sleep now, have processed our day, and have gathered my thoughts. Some of the things I am going to describe and say will more than likely offend one or more people. These are MY impressions of my very first time at such an event.

I received my confirmation for the March 3rd and 4th even on February 28th. There was nothing in the email confirming the location of the event or directions or a website or an address. Yes, I knew where the event was being held, but it’s nice to have reminders and concise communication. I replied asking for confirmation, and was happy to receive a speedy reply!

We arrived at the Greater Ocala Dog Club Show Grounds with about 90 minutes to spare before we had to check in and get our debriefing. We were both very impressed with the facilities. VERY IMPRESSED!! What a beautiful place! Nice shade to park in and everything seemed to be laid out very well.

The first thing that I was confused about is that there were no signs indicating which way was registration, which way was this or that. I asked a gentleman hanging at his RV, and he turned me over to his wife. She pointed behind her to a building. I wandered over, and saw a few people walking around in circles. I said that I was new to such events and needed to check in. I gave them my name, and was handed a number and told to take a toy from the bin. I looked at one of the ladies and asked if I was to put the number on me? "Yeah, yeah". I inquired about how things were going to happen when it came closer to the 12:30 debriefing. Lady said she would "yell" out of the door and you'd come in. OK - it's a pretty big place (about 50 acres with the actual trail dens across the facility), I hoped that I would hear her due to the weather conditions being gusty winds of close to 30 MPH.

One other thing that kind of bothered me, was that being a newbie to Earthdog, and the fact that I live in the area, I wasn’t given any information about the Tampa Bay Terrier Club. No literature, no information sheet, no table set up with stuff I could pick up on my own.

We aired out the pooch, and put him back in his box to rest up and walked around. We saw the Junior Earthdog area and wandered over and got to see the Introduction to Quarry trials still going on. I was really excited then!! It finally seemed crystal clear as to what Murphy and I would be doing.

We wandered around some more and killed some time. We thought talking to some of the folks hanging out would be interesting, but honestly, few people were really very friendly. No one wanted to discuss their breed of dog, no one wanted to ask us where we were from, it was like being the odd man out and we never one time felt really welcome.

Please don't get me wrong, I "get" competition and being competitive. I really, really do. My husband and I both played high school sports, he walked on in college football, and played rugby for much of his adult life. Even family game night is cut-throat. The overall impression I got from the little bit of discussions I had with other people and overhearing some other conversations, there were a bunch of agility people looking to try to tag an "easy" title on their dog. This is not a knock on agility people, but goodness, if someone asks you about your breed of dog, engage them, be nice to them.

The time for our debriefing came and went. It appeared that they were running late and when I inquired about it, I saw more running in circles, and never really got a clear-cut answer. About 90 minutes or more later, we had our debriefing. FINALLY! I was getting excited again!

I asked the gentleman holding the sign with the numbers, where Murphy and I were in the line-up. He told me that he never had my number, and just put me at the bottom of the list and was that okay? Um, I guess it would have to be. Here’s another issue. I signed up and paid before the day of the event. I specifically signed up for the afternoon competition. There was one other dog there besides Murphy that did not compete in the morning. How come my number was forgotten, and why didn’t the people who had already had a chance get to go before us?

Being last did (eventually) turn into a positive for us, for that I was very grateful. During my walk up to the area, I had butterflies. I was pepping Murphy up the whole time, being excited, getting his tail wagging so he knew that something exciting was going to happen. Took off the leash, walked around the hole to the stick where I was supposed to drop him, dropped him. His nose was down, tail was up, and he went straight for the opening. Then he decided to go mark his territory. Great, thanks Murphy. Judge allowed me to walk around the side (without fouling the scent trail – more on that in a minute) and encourage the boy. He’d go in with his snout, then out, then in, then out. Then he started to indicate – the perfect bark! But he was on the outside of the opening. Being the clever little breed that he is, he figured that he could go over the top. Nope, big guy with the clipboard and Mom wouldn’t allow that! Back to the opening, which wasn’t quite up to HIS specifications, so he started to dig it out to suit his needs better. Judge said something to me at this point, that if Murphy would go in and find the rats, that he would breeze through the rest of the competitions. What? Really? He’s the expert and saw something special in my Cairn. I got on my knees and really pepped him up and in he went. By this time the gentleman with the numbers on the board was watching and smiling along with the lady guarding the gate opening. “Come on Murphy, go get the rats!” He did it! He got to them. Then we had to get him to bark, and he finally did! Not the Cairn Death Screech, but good solid, indicating barks. YAY!!! I got my dog out of the hole, and hugged him and praised him. Once we got his leash back on, he wanted to go back in and do it again. Sorry Buddy! The judge did say to me and the crowd that he was not giving up on that dog, that he thought a dog from Junior Earthdog was the Most Improved of the day, but Murphy blew that out of the water! He said he was NOT giving up on that dog!

I stood really, really far back from the competition and didn’t get to see the other dogs. While in the car on the way home, my husband I talked about out different point of views. He was standing close to the competition and saw every dog. One thing he relayed to me that bothered him was that a lady and her Norwich were in the competition field, and when the dog went into the tunnel, she literally sat in the hole with her knees blocking it so her dog would not come out! Not a positive for the dog, let alone the fact that she totally fouled the scent line for those of us at the bottom of the list – I think she was the second person to compete.

Overall, I would compete with Murphy again. He showed natural instinct and promise, and now that he knows what it is all about, I think he’ll enjoy it more. As far as everything else, I think that the time issues and being “forgotten” (well, after the fact the lady fouling the scent line) were my biggest complaints, but if we had been made to feel more welcome and included, maybe those things wouldn’t have been such a big deal.

The AKC judges were great! They were informative and helpful, and really seemed to get “into” the competition with me and Murphy. For that I am grateful.


I'm not too surprised by the degree of chaos you experienced, but I'm very surprised at the hospitality :(. Come visit us out here - we'll be twice as chaotic, but also probably talk your ear off.

It sounds like Murphy had a great judge for Intro and that's so important. Well done little fella!

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Hi Tuesday,

it sounds like Murphy had a fun day even if yours was a bit more trying.

I'll throw out a few thoughts here in no particular order.

First, Earthdog is not a competition, the very first paragraph of the rule book makes this point. Every participant should be hoping for the best results for each dog/handler team. If I can help someone else pass a test that is a good thing for me.

Second, I would be quite surprised if the host club did not have a small group of UNPAID VOLUNTEERS who put this whole thing together. Generally the people who do this are the same ones who can be counted on time-after-time to mix work and play so that everybody can have a good time. Unless the host club is specifically an Earthdog club there is a good chance that Earthdog (anything not Conformation) is really an afterthought and the volunteers got only very basic support from the club. This is common in most breed clubs and at all levels of organization from the national club all the way down to the local club. These volunteers are very likely self-taught and are not even aware of some of the problems that you noted. If you want better events it is up to you to get involved and help stage better events. Remember, you won't be paid and you won't please everybody.

Third, Yikes, 30 MPH winds! Wind blows scent around and makes everything tougher, especially for the newbies. The morning tests might have cooler, denser air and less wind, things to consider.

Fourth, IQ is a non-titling event where dogs and handlers both get away with things that won't be tolerated in a titling event. This may be the only venue where you'll get to "train in the ring" and with the judges assistance. Fouling the scent line happens---wait 'til you get to Senior!

Fifth, you might want to consider joining the local club. The best learning opportunities occur to those who can volunteer at the "dig in" (setting the dens) and to the rat wranglers. Yes, rat wrangling is just as glamorous as it sounds. Also, unless I really miss my guess, you'll become part of the "in crowd".

Sixth, what Brad said.

Good luck and keep sluggin'



I too am shocked that the reception you got! I have never been to a test that the people were not super nice. I have made so many friends an i really look forward to the test, Q or not, i am having a great time catching up with my ED buddies.

i am in Ohio also go to Western PA and Mi. Come to our tests and you will not believe how nice of time you will have.



I agree with George, keep trying. It was great that Murphy went through, some dogs take forever getting up the courage to go underground. Earthdog tests are pretty laid back, something that will later make them more enjoyable for you, but I understand as a newbie, it can be frustrating. I have found that at all the dog activities, conformation, obedience, agility and earthdog, most of the people exhibiting are friends and not overly outgoing, but after they have seen you a time or two, that will change. I go out of my way to be friendly to anyone with a Cairn cause there are so few, and while I will answer anyone's questions, I don't run up and greet everyone. I think that's just human nature, but will get better. The people I have become friends with through dog sports are wonderful and a close community.

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to earthdog!

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

  • 7 months later...


I'm getting paperwork together tonight to send out for the upcoming Earthdog event on December 1 and 2, and just read back through my post and experience. I need to lighten up a bit, huh? :shy:

Again, I am super excited about this, and am really looking forward to seeing what Murphy will do this year. We are going to definitely sign up for the morning IQ, and then see what happens. If he is successful, the current plan is to sign up for Junior for the afternoon.

I'm definitely going in with a more open mind, a less neurotic approach, and a picnic lunch. :w00t:


We've been practicing with boxes and chairs and blankets. He's definitely not afraid of it.

Next step is to dig a tunnel outside over Thanksgiving weekend and see what he thinks! (luckily we live in FL and it's like digging on the beach)


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