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One does, one doesn't


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My lil boy does great...As soon as you let him out ,he does his businee. the lil girl ,although, is not getting it at all.. You can walk her, leave her out for half an hour and she will come right in and pee... another thing is she is an eater.. as soon as he goes, she runs up and eats it.. I have tried Tenderizer and seems to help a little.


With two Cairns, we've learned that they each have their own schedule on how quickly they take care of business. Packy is quick to pee, slow to poop. Kirby is quick to poop but takes forever to pee. Go figure! So we just keep them out until they've done their business. And we always have the "sure thing" area if Kirby is too slow. We can always count on him peeing there although it's a little farther away. Some dogs get distracted by other dogs out with them, too. You might take them both out together and if your girl doesn't go, put the boy back in and keep her out by herself.

As for eating poop, we don't have a problem with it but I've heard that feeding pineapple helps. The "eater" doesn't like how it tastes if pineapple has been fed.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 


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