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Peeing on People (ack!)


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Hi everyone, I have been lurking for a while and have a crazy question.

Our little terror Charlotte is 7 month old and after a very rough start (think tapeworm and bladder infection) of house training she seems to have "gotten it". She only occasionaly happy pees and hasnt had a real accident in a couple months. The problem is she sometimes will jump on someones lap and just pee on them. Weird, gross and embarrasing to our house guests. This has happened three different times with three different people. What's the deal? It seems like an attention getter but can dogs really think in those terms?

This has been a crazy ride so far with this little dog. We have always had large dogs and quite frankly only got this little girl because our daughter begged us for an entire year. The funny thing is my husband who was the biggest objector of getting a small dog has fallen in love with her. Yes, she sleeps in our bed and pretty much has stolen all of our hearts. She is goofy and adorable but not easy by any means. Very smart and very stubborn.

Any insight into this weird peeing thing would be greatly appreciated.


Welcome to the forum! We'd love to see a picture of little Charlotte. (hint . . . hint . . .)

A few questions: Are you sure the bladder infection is completely cleared up? It's usually best to rule out any physical causes first. You also mentioned that she sometimes "happy pees". When she does this, is it just a little dribble? And is it the same when the lap incidents occurred - just a dribble? It could just be the excitement of having someone new in the house. Did the incidents occur when she hadn't been out to relieve herself in a while? Maybe a little more information can help sort through the issue.

And Happy New Year!


Welcome to the forum and yes, we love to see pictures. I love hearing how these little cairns steal the hearts of everyone around them. I don't have any suggestions at this time on Charlotte's peeing problem. I will also wait and see your response to hheldorfer's questions. Also when she pees on people is she in an excited state?


I cant seem to get my pics to updoad but I will keep trying.

So the happy peeing seems to be just a dribble and only happens every once in a while when she is extra excited.

Last night she was with my daughter( 14 yrs old) on her bed. She probably had not been out in a while but my daughter was laying on her tummy and the puppy hopped on her back and really let loose. It was a fairly large puddle. The other two times she hopped on my husbands and a family friends lap and peed a puddle not a dribble. She wasnt sitting on their laps but rather jumped up and just went. She didnt seem to excited either time. I guess I dont know for sure her bladder infection is gone but before she was going constantly. I would take her for a 20 mn walk and she would go every 5 mns and would have to go out like 3 times a night and none of that is happening any more. We have a bell by the door she will ring when she needs to go out. (smart little thing).

Maybe its just puppy stuff since she is only 7 months but its so confusing and frustrating because she is so smart and then does something so...uh....un-smart out of the blue. Lol.


When Kelly was 7 months she started doing things she hadn't ever done before. Like being confused about her sex,( she was humping us) she still does this to my oldest son but no longer does it to the rest of us. My oldest spoils her and lets her do what ever she pleases. They told me on this forum she was being dominant, and I believe they were right. I think this may be what is happening with yours. I did see a dog whisperer show where a dog was peeing on members of the family and Cesar told the owners it was a dominance issue.

I hope you can figure it out and she stops soon. I would not like it if Kelly was peeing on people.


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