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Potty Training Trials!


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I've been told that housebreaking males is a little harder with males than females, and I am inclined to believe it. :( Tucker is so smart, and as soon as I bring him out and say, "Go potty" he squats and goes. When I say, "Go poo-poo" he goes. As long as I really keep an eye on him, he does well. But whenever he's been outside playing, as soon as he comes in the house, he pees! :mad: And we've tried telling him to go potty before bringing him back inside. It doesn't matter. Also, he doesn't get to go out and play until he has pottied first, and potty is out front, play is out back in the yard. Any suggestions from the wise? (I'll even take suggestions from the wisecrackers!) :P


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Guest Tototoo

I can sympathize, Toto is a year and still not trained. . . my son is almost trained also and they are both having accidents. Believe me I've considered diapering the dog and tying the boy out on the chain.

I have been told one day it will just click for both of them, I am waiting for it to happen anytime now.

The only thing I would suggest is teaching him to mark his territory and when he does come in maybe his bladder will be empty. I notice the puddles have become less frequent since he became interested in this new hobby.

Our goal is developing that 3 hour thing of taking him out every three hours, right now we are doing every 1/2 hr to every hour and its exhausting, yet he holds it for 10 hours through the night (now who has who trained?)


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Guest MommyJay

Any good suggestions for how to have them pee or poo on command? My pup is pretty good about not having accidents in the house (unless he just drank a bowl of water, and then all bets are off!) but we can wander the neighborhood for a while before he finishes doing his business. He is a finicky guy (cairns, quel) and sometimes needs to pee and/or poop twice in the mornings, but doesn't do it all at once. At 6AM in the morning, this can be a bit much.

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MommyJay, what works for me is to give him a treat as soon as he does "it". I always bring a couple of treats outside with us, then tell him to "go potty" and as soon as he's done squatting, I say, "good boy!" and give him a treat. It has worked really well. Now, if we go outside and I say "go potty" he'll do it without having to sniff around. He knows as soon as he does it, he gets that treat.

Now, as I said before, it's inside where we're having the problems! lol


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Scout takes awhile before she find the "perfect" spot, but Finch "goes potty" on demand. We always praised her for going and always used the same words..."go potty" to her. It takes time and tons of patience to potty train a puppy. :)

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