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Duffy is in the hospital


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To my Cairn family,

I am asking for your good thoughts and prayers for Duffy today. Last night he jumped off a table in our garage that I was brushing him on and hit the concrete floor. It was obvious that when he hit the ground something happened as he did not attempt to get up. I had to take him to the local emergency animal hospital and x-rays showed that he has a fracture in his left hind leg. The emergency vet told me that due to the location of the fracture (it is at a joint) that surgery is the only thing that can repair the damage. This morning I took him to our regular vet who I was told by the nurse that admitted Duffy, it a very skilled surgeon. I am currently waiting for his call to let me know how they will need to proceed. Duffy has been so brave through this whole thing. He has not wimpered or cried which amazes me since I would think that a fracture like that would be painful. He was given pain medication last night and he still seemed a little groggy this morning so maybe that is why. I am beside myself that so young a dog has to go through surgery. Please keep him and me in you thoughts! Thanks.


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Oh Mike, I am so sorry that you're going through this and feel so bad for little Duffy. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated on how Duffy is doing.


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Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Will be thinking of you & Duffy. When I got Toto he was 6 months old & the breeder still had him because he had had a broken leg & they wanted to make sure that everything was o.k. before they let him go. You sure can't tell it now. Doesn't slow him down a bit. :D I just know everything will be o.k.


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Guest Tototoo

Our thoughts and prayers are with you too!

P.S. Stock up on pup toys - because you can't keep a "Good Dog" down for long!!


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There's not much more that I can add to what's already been said here....

I will definately keep Duffy in my prayers tonite. I hope you haven't put any blame on yourself. These Cairns are lightening quick...I know because I have a table that I groom Madison on. I took my eyes off her for one second to change brushes and she almost did the same thing.

Put your trust in your vet/surgeon and believe it will be okay. Duffy sounds like one tuff little guy, so typical of the breed.

Keep us posted on his recovery, please. If I know anything about this forum, it's that we all feel for one another and their pets. :thumbsup:

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Mike, I was so terribly sorry to hear about Duffy! My gosh, this has been a bad week for our babies. It sounds, though, like Duffy is in good hands. We will pray for him and for you. I know how much you love him. I just know he's going to be fine.


Joanne, Rick and Special Agent Scully

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Oh, my! Poor little Duffy. I hope he is going to be alright. He sounds like a trooper and I am sure he will come through with flying colors. Let us know as soon as you can how he is doing and I will keep my fingers crossed. (((hug)))

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So sorry to hear about Duffy, Mike :( ....

Our older Cairn also had a fracture in her front leg when she was about 2 years old. My son and a friend were running thru the house (New Year's Eve) and accidently stumbled on her when coming around a corner.

We called the vet immediately since it was very apparant she was really hurting, not wanting to put any weight on it. We took her in the next day and the x-ray confirmed the break.

She was put in a hot pink soft cast for several weeks. She was a real trooper thru the whole thing! She is now 12 years old and you'd never know anything had ever happened to her!

Hang in there, Mike.....I am sure Duffy is gonna be just fine. Please keep us updated on his progress.


Cathy and Piper

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Mike, so sorry to hear about Duffy. I'm sure he will be fine but how awful for you all!! Keep us posted on how he (and you) are doing.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Keep courage Mike, Your support group is all behind you with uplifting energy. We wish only the best of results. Please keep us informed as things develop .


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To my Cairn family

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and good wishes. I'm sorry Brad I should have posted sooner, but Duffy will be having his surgery in about 15 minutes (11:30 a.m., PDT). The Vet doing the surgery got a little behind yesterday and had to postpone till today. I know that they will need to insert two small pins at the joint so that he will have full mobility. I also know that they will not cast his leg. As soon as the surgery is over and the Vet has called me, I will let all of you know how it went. I will post as "Duffy update".


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Mike, great to hear everything turned out ok. Sorry to hear about the fracture. It is can scary to have something like that happen and try not to blame yourself-which is typical when these things happen. I had a similar problem, except for the fracture part, with Digby at Lowes. He jumped out of the carriage onto the concrete floor. Luckily he just knocked the wind out of himself, but it sure sounded like he did more than that. Anyway, these dogs have a tendancy to do some stupid things, like kids, that are beyond their ability.

Bottom line, he is ok and that is great to hear. Hope you are both holding up well. Best of luck with him in the future.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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Hi Auntie Cathy,

I had posted an update, but probably got lost amongst all the other threads. Duffy's surgery went very well. The vet had to put two small pins in the joint where the fracture was, but he says that Duffy will have full use of that leg. Duffy is still favoring the leg, but is gradually getting back to his old self. I've noticed in the last day or so that he is beginning to put a little more pressure on the leg. I also think that once the staples come out, he may begin to use it even more. In the meantime he is being pampered and spoiled even more than usual. Thank you so much for checking on him Cathy! I will tell Duffy tonight that his Auntie Cathy sends her love! :halo:


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Oh, yes....Auntie sends her love :wub: !! BIG smoochies!!

Glad to hear that Duffy is recovering. And, that he is getting some extra special TLC!

Hope to hear more good news about Duffy soon, Mike.


Cathy and Piper

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