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My WORSE Day As A Cairn Mommy :-(


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This has been the most frightening day since I've had a Cairn :cry:

Yesterday afternoon Scully, all of a sudden, started acting really funny. She was on the sofa with my husband and I and she just couldn't seem to get comfortable or find peace. If I would go to my desk to type, she would get under my desk by my feet, or she would squash herself between my chair and the entertainment center in this small section. She would follow me around and then just plop down and lie by my feet. No spunk whatsoever.

She's home during the day with my mom and she called me and said that Scully just wasn't herself and that she had pooped twice in the back part of the basement - which she NEVER does. I called the vet right away and had to leave work after only being there about an hour. I ran in, changed, and ran up to the vet. By the time I got home she had thrown up and she would go hide in little spaces and shake a little bit.

On the way up to the vet's, I had her in the front passenger seat, with her leash tied around the seatbelt buckle. I'm driving down this fairly busy road and she manages to climb onto my lap out of nowhere and as I turn my head, here she had had explosive diarrhea all over the front seat of my new SUV. (Which I didn't care about at the time, I was scared for her). I managed to pull over to the side of the road and I put her on the floor as far as she could go and I walked around the car to wipe up the p*** with a towel I had. I have NO idea how, but when I opened the door, and I was getting her out, she bolted! This was a four lane road, heavily traveled, and she's running uphill on the sidewalk. I took off after her (not being in good shape), left my car running, my pocketbook inside. I was screaming "SCULLY STOP!" and I started crying. I couldn't see over the hill if there would be cars coming. She stopped temporarily and couldn't hold her #2 in, and then she bolted ACROSS the road. By God's hand, somehow her leash got stuck in the cement in the median and she kept trying to pull the leash and keep going but I finally caught up to her.

I have never, in my life, been so absolutely scared. Whatever Higher Power there is up there was watching over her because no traffic was coming the way she crossed over, nor when she was running. When she got to the median, cars were coming the opposite way.

I finally arrived at the vet with #2 all over me, her and the car.

Looks like we might have made her sick by giving her a baked ham bone or she picked up a bug, but I'm thinking the bone did it. The vet gave her a shot and medication and she has to eat the boiled rice and ground beef which she loves.

Give your puppies some extra loving today from me and Scully. I thought I was going to lose my baby. :cry:

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How terrible for you! I have an involuntary sick reaction to even a description of a loose Cairn in traffic. Terrifying! Poor Scully must have been miserable too. Thank heavens she has someone as dedicated as you to look past the squirts and get her to the vet no matter what. Give Scully a scritch for me. And a bath, probably :sick:

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Brad, mommy AND Cairn needed a bath. I think Mommy needed a shot more than Scully. I was drenched in sweat and shaking by the time I got to the vet.

I have never been so terrified and if I'm finding that if I sit still long and relax, I'm getting flashbacks of her in my mind running so fast. It was horrible.

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(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to you and Scully!!! I am soooooooooooooo glad you are BOTH alright!!! Extra prayers and good thoughts going your way and an extra "scritch" as Brad said - for Scully!!! BOTH of you get clean and mommy - have a nice cup of tea!!!!

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Hi!! You certainly had a rough time of it!!! - - - glad both of you are okay - - I could feel your panic while you were relaying your story!! Riley reacts to stuff like that also - - I always figured it was because of his liver shunts but I guess they have sensitive little tummies! Am happy that everything turned out alright!

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Thanks to my Cairn family! Would you believe when I finally grabbed her one of my first thoughts was that I needed to come in here and share it with you guys. I guess that goes to show how much you all mean to me. (((Cairn Moms and Dad)))

And I think we'll pass on the ham bones. She's been sleeping all afternoon and has no interest in anything. I guess she's worn out after that mile run uphill.

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What a horrible experience! I could feel your terror as I read your story because I know they would be the same feelings I would have if it were Duffy. I am so very happy that there was a happy ending. God was certainly watching over both of you that day. I will give Duffy an extra hug and kiss and hold him a little closer tonight when I get home. Bless the Beasts and the Children..........


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Oh, Joanne! My heart was beating so fast and I have goose bumps from reading about your experience. I know that horrible panic you felt watching Scully run into the highway. I'm just so glad it had a happy ending for you and Scully. Take a long hot soak in a bubble bath and give Scully an extra treat from Aunt Thela (when her tummy's feeling better, that is!).

And I too, know what you mean about wanting to share with this group right away. When Zoe died, I needed to tell the board right away because I knew they would understand my pain. We've become a family, of sorts.


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Yipes! That could be any of us! How you kept your cool under all those circumstances is amazing. Scully has two guardian angels, and one of them is you!

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My eyes are filling up from reading all that you've written. I always say that my dad is up there watching over me and I kept yelling, "Daddy! Help me, help me get Scully." How that leash EVER got stuck in a little hole of cement I don't know - and she was pulling really hard to get loose. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I could have gotten hit by a car but my baby was running away and that's all I cared about.

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Oh JoAnne :( As I read your post, I felt your terror and could just about feel how your heart must have been pounding. I think that's a parent of a cairn's worst nightmare. I do believe there are angels watching out over us. The time my Kiara was high tailing it down the street, it's like this lady came from out of no where and was standing in the road and reached down to grab Kiara.

Right now my own mind keeps seeing what you must have experienced w/ Scully taking off, something you wish you could erase from your mind. I can imagine how you probably keep reliving the "what ifs" Everytime you think of what could have happened, just remember what did happen and that you are now home safe w/ Scully. I am so glad this has a happy ending and that someone was looking out for Scully. I'm happy for the pavement having that crack in it to catch Scully's leash, and I'm happy that of all the places Scully decided to cross, he crossed directly over that crack. Fate?, I think not. I do believe God's hands are even on our little cairns.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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That has to be the most terrifing post I've ever read on this forum. Bad enough your dog is sick but to experience what you did......I do believe things happen for a reason and yes, someone was indeed watching out for you and Scully.

You are one incredible person and an awesome human being. I hate to think that there might have been other pet owners who would have cringed at the ordeal you went through and had given first thought to their precious vehicles.

I would roll around in my dogs waste before I could ever let anything bad become of my pets(sorry so graphic...this post has me emotional)

I'm so relieved and happy it all has a good outcome.

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Kayharley, it didn't even dawn on me until I was way up the hill that my car was running with the door open and my pocketbook in full view. I just didn't care. I just wanted my puppy back in one piece, and thank God, I did.

The vet just called with her #2 sample and said she had bacteria in it which would indicate either the bone didn't agree with her and messed up her intestinal track, or she has a bug. He said there really isn't a way to pinpoint it and to keep her on the medication for five days. She picked up her ball and ran around for about 10 minutes and is now out like a light on the sofa. That's the most she's done.

Thank you all, so much, for being there for me. I feel like I'm going to burst into tears. All your Cairns are so blessed to have such wonderful and loving moms and dad.

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Geeeeeesh!! Soooooooooo glad to hear that you and your baby are safe!!

Keep us posted with news of the tummy troubles.....hoping Scully has a complete recovery soon!


Cathy and Piper

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Joanne, I can totally understand how you ran from you SUV not giving any thought to anything but Scully. Years ago, my dh and I use started a low cost pet vaccine service that would travel and set up at various feed stores and pet stores offering low cost pet vaccines. Most of the places had us set up inside but some had the paperwork set up outside. This particular store had the people w/ their pets lined up outside the store to fill out paperwork and pay. I'll never forget this little dog pulled out of his collar and took off running. We were in a plaza and not far from a 4 lane busy road. The poor owner totally lost it and ran after her dog leaving her baby in the stroller w/ her purse! :o I immediately grabbed the stroller for her while she ran in tears through the parking lot. To make matters worse, we all witnessed seeing the dog hit and spin through the air as he tried to cross the busy street. The dog did live, but needed immediate attention and I was left w/ this women's baby for quite some time while she tended to her dog and had him taken to an emer. vet. I know so many were saying how could you ever leave your baby? I think there are times that we go w/ our gut feeling and do what has to be done. You were in the survival mode to save Scully just as this lady was to save her dog, only a bit more extreme leaving a baby verses an SUV.

I'm just so glad you're home w/ Scully and he's doing better.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Such a scary story. I am so glad

everything turned out so well.

Your angel was watching over you!

I will give Grilly an extra big hug and kiss

tonight. be well Joanne! :halo:

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I felt the panic rising in me just reading your post!! Poor Scully and poor Scully'sMom!! I'm glad you are both safe and sound.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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I am so sorry to hear about your terrible experience!!! I can't imagine the fear that ran through your body as you were running up the street after Scully!

I am also sorry that I didn't see this post until today! I hope Scully is feeling much better today, and that you had a good nights rest from this terrible experience. ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))).

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Shoe, thank you for your kind words. I had trouble sleeping at first. I kept seeing it all in my head, and even today. Scully, thank God, is doing so much better today. She actually picked up a toy this morning for a bit, and by lunchtime is back to her rip roaring self. She adores the boiled rice and ground beef. She ate it like a little piglet.

Thank you again - to you all - it helped tremendously having this group to rely on.

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