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Marking new furniture


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Just got two new leather chairs an ottoman and new leather couch...Jeter my oldest (6) male... marked one of the leather chairs today. He also looked like he was going to lift his leg on our new media console at the corner...Is this because the stuff is new to him or their is a new smell in the room. I aCKKKED him when he hit the corner of the chair and he got a couple drops on my new rug which I cleaned with a good cleaner...Just wondered if this will pass once he becomes familiar with the new furniture. Secondly, two out of three of my little hooligans are scratching (making a little nest) in the leather. Not sure what to do about that because I am not always home to watch them. Any suggestions??? My dogs are not crated as they are usually fine in our family room and not engaging in these "BAD" behaviors...but there is something about NEW furniture that is causing them to behave like little beasts....

Jetersmom(and Bernie's)


Hi and welcome to the forum! Unfortunately I only have a female and can't help in your plight. However, when you are not home, I would suggest you somehow block their entrance to the room itself to avoid having this behavior continue. We too have leather couches and although Layla has done zoomies on the couch, in the past, she has never nested on the cushions. I would tend to believe they are doing this as it is a new element in their environment but it could also be because it is not fabric but leather may be causing this. Nonetheless, you will need to protect the new furnishings. I'm sure more members of this forum will join in and give you some wonderful advice such as belly bands.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog


I think Jeter is marking the furniture because it's new and he feels he has to claim it. I would give him a reminder on potty training. If he does it again and you still have a crate, pull it out and put him in the crate. Go back to basics keeping him confined and letting him out more frequently. This should do it for him. As far as nesting in the cushions, I'm not really sure what is going on there. You may want to keep him off the furniture at first as Pindrop recommended.


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