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Strange Moods


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My pup is acting very strangely today. He is kind of throwing tantrums, and was whining when we went out today. He started whining when we took off his harness after his morning walk, since he had guessed that we were getting ready to put him in his crate for his morning nap (and we were going out). The day started with him waking up at 5AM, 2 hours earlier than normal. :huh:

Adding to all this is his not drinking much water today - he is eating as usual, but just not drinking much.

Do cairns just get into moods like little kids do? :confused:

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Hi! Riley sure has his "moody" days!!! Most days he is a happy lil guy raring to go - - - but every once in a while he is very temperamental!! Today he didn't want to go for his walks - - he wanted to be outside - - just didn't want to walk very far. He kept stopping and looking around - - observing every little thing - - and sitting and rolling in the grass - - but when I wanted to walk briskly or even run a bit - -he just sat down like a stubborn mule!!! I couldn't budge him!!! After he did his "business" we just went home - - suited him just fine!!!

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Our pets are so much like us. We have our moody blue days, and I'm sure they do too. When I'm in a mood, I don't want to be bothered by anything and I can tell when Duffy is in a mood because he will become quite obstinate and contrary. Normally he is pretty obediant. So when he is in one of his moods, we leave him alone. Eventually, (just like me), he comes out of it and is back to his own lovable, rowdy self.


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My 2 year old is very moody. Since we adopted him at the beginning of this month; he has yet to play with any toys. Most days he is great, but sometimes he decides to tear up napkins, boxes, etc...While walking he stops to observe everything and anyone. He will just go into a daze and plants his feet into the ground. I was wondering if this is a trait of the terrier or just a moody dog. Your posts just confirm what I was thinking. Must be little quirks.

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My girls get moody the three mornings I work. Even tho I leave every morning at 7:30 a.m to take my dd to school, they seem to sense the 3 mornings that I will not be returning right away and get this sad look on their face that really breaks my heart. The younger ones, Abbey and Hannah will watch my every move while Kiara lays down w/ her back to me like she's mad. Abbey and Hannah don't seem as moody yet but they're still pups. Kiara is a different story. I usually get up by 6:00 and take the dogs out, everyone that is but Kiara. :nono: She refuses to go out and won't budge out of her bed until she's ready, which is around 7:00 as I'm busy w/ my dd's lunch, getting my make up on, making sure the other pets (birds, reptiles . . . ) have food. :( Also, I don't need a weatherman w/ Kiara. She can detect a storm coming from miles away and will get very anxious and demand to be held. Kiara is also a crab at night. Once she goes to bed, she doesn't want to be bothered, unlike the other two. You can twist Abbey and Hannah into a pretzel and they wouldn't care, they'd be full of kisses, but not Kiara. She'll give a kiss goodnight and then ignore anyone from that moment on. I find it simply amazing to have 3 cairns w/ 3 different personalities and moods. Gotta love them.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Scout can be moody too! Sometimes she wants to be left alone and other times, like last night, she becomes very "needy". She clings to us and insists on sitting on our laps. Maybe it's because we had a full moon last night??

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