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Bordatella Vaccine

Guest B_mommy

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My pup is almost 1-years old and I had him vaccinated at 6-month intervals for Bordatella because the daycare he attended required this. Is this the normal time between vaccines?

I have just moved so am not having B attend that daycare anymore. Should I still have him vaccinated at every 6 months? The vet we went to in California suggested once a year was enough, but the daycare wanted every six months for all pups.

And the last time he was vaccinated (mid August) he actually had a slight cold as an aftereffect and was on Clavamox for 2 weeks as a precaution. :shock:

Finally, I am concerned because when I brought B home at 9 weeks, he had a bit of a cough which became a slight case of pneumonia. :( He recovered quickly but I still get worried.

Thank you.

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Looking back at my records, I believe a yearly booster is given but please don't go by what I say.....your vet is your best source for information.

Actually I'm going to post a topic concerning the new info that shows these yearly vaccines aren't necessary and that the protection lasts longer than previously thought. But I suppose if your dog is in close contact with other pets, it may be best to err on the side of caution.

It's so complicated :confused:

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I'm glad this topic came up. We just received a notice from our vet that Scully was due for a Lyme vaccine and Bordatella. She doesn't go into a kennel and I'm wondering if she really needs it. I don't readily have on hand the time last year when we got her that she was given the Bordatella.

I too would be interested in comments on this.

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Information I got from a reputable breeder was that the percentage of lyme cases involving dogs was around 2%.

I'm now having concerns about the heartguard chews I've been giving my girls. Maybe a safer approach would be to have them tested twice a year....this way if the test is positive, it's caught early enough for treatment and full recovery.

Also thinking along the same route as far as the frontline goes...it's poison I'm putting on my Cairns. Maybe a yeast/garlic supplement would repel fleas/ticks...a much safer method.

Like in a previous post, it's so darn complicated and I know if I ask my vet he'll tell me to continue doing what I've done all along....heartguard, vaccines, frontline.

Right now with a new puppy coming, I'm weighing all the options and gathering as much info as I can.

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Food for thought - we have barn cats and we have house cats. We take both to the vets for yearly check-ups and every year we are advised how our house cats have flea dirt and should be put on something. Yet the outside cats don't have a flea problem and no flea dirt. Our barn dog never has fleas, Toto does not have fleas, but other inside dogs have had a flea (allergy) problem.

The only thing really different between the groups is the house animals are cleaner and the outside animals like a good roll in the dirt. Will actually roll in it or take a sun bath in it. . .

Can't get more holistic than a good old mud bath . . .sometimes I really feel all the chemicals we put on our "kids" are not a good thing. . . but, you do have to deciede what is necessary and what isn't


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kayharley -

I would definintely continue the heartguard pill. If you have ever seen a dog with heartworm . . . it is not a pretty sight, and the treatment is just awful!! There is no such thing as catching it early enough. With the mosquitoes we get here in CT I think the heartguard is a must! I actually do it year round because we still seem to get mosquitoes through the winter.

We didn't do the Lyme's disease vaccine and I have been kicking myself that we haven't - only because I am currently being treated for Lyme's Disease myself and although we have been using Advantix on Calli - the amount of ticks I still pull off are numerous. I think where we live very wise. Milopup - we are in CT - the "home"of Lyme Disease - we have a lot of deer ticks here - I have pulled hundreds off of the kids and myself over the past few years (have taken over 15 ticks to the health department this year - not to mention all of the one's I didn't). My husband has had Lyme's Disease and now I have it. The Lyme's Disease vaccine is usually a regional vaccine given in the different areas around the country based on the amount of Lyme's Disease carrying ticks in the area (Deer ticks in the East and - there is a different tick that carries it in the midwest, I believe.)

B-mommy - I would double check with your vet - but you probably do not need to get the vaccine every six months now that yoru puppy is no longer at the day care.

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I am using a combination of Frontline Plus and Interceptor as my monthly preventative for my pup - is this an effective combo? Should I be trying something else?

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Thanks CallisMom,

My 11 year old Cairn has always had the Heartguard and Frontline and she's quite healthy. It's just that they come up with all this new information years after products have been on the market and make people nervous.

It's funny, we have fields behind our house, lots of brush near the stone wall where the girls hang out and I've never found a tick on either of them. And, fleas have never been a problem either. Knock wood -_-

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