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Max is just shy of a year old. He dribbles when let out of his kennel first thing in the morning or after being in the crate if we happen to be gone a lot of the day. He only has an accident if no one is paying attention and he needs to go out. Any time he goes close to the front door or starts pacing in the entry, out he goes. Other then that, we've been lucky the last month or so.

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I understand where you are - Pegi was pure hell the first few months. I always had big dogs, and my DH and kids were getting pretty frustrated w/the accidents, nipping, etc. I started taking her out every 2 hours, then 3, then 4, etc. The accidents were less and less, and by the time she was 6 months old she was fine. As far as the nipping, I learned from the this forum to put her down on her side, and that stopped. Now she's just a nutty cairn that gets into the usual trouble - she loves socks, underwear, etc. My daughters have learned to keep their bedroom doors closed, we shut the bathroom doors when we leave (she loves bathroom trash) and hide the Ugg boots!

It will pass!

Linda & Pegi

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We call it “phases” in our house. Right now you are in the “puppy phase” housetraining, teaching them NO to just about everything and the need to chew on everything. Radar is just over a year and is in the “adolescent phase”. The nipping has settled down and now it’s more just gentle mouthing. I still have to leave him in a crate when we go out because I never know what I will come home to. I thought the kitchen would be safe to leave him in but he has chewed on my wicker settee. He’s very mischievous. :twisted: What is really funny is how proud they are – everything ends up on my living room rug…destuffed toys, shredded paper, you name it… it’s there.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

First, I am hoping you are crate-training your puppy and that the crate is the proper size: large enough for him to turn around or stand up, but no huge area for soiling.  Remember that a puppy's bladder does not mature until about 6 months of age.  Until then, he -- literally -- cannot hold urine longer than 2 hours or so.  Walking him (always on a leash and always to the same spot and ALWAYS giving the command "Go Potty" or "Go Bathroom" -- then treating him with an immediate tasty reward once he goes -- will get your puppy housetrained very smoothly.  Expect accidents.  They are gonna happen.  However, do not just put the dog into the backyard off leash.  Train him to go "on command" and in the same spot on leash.  This will pay off big time down the road.



Remember that crates are NOT cruel.  Dogs are pack animals, and view their crates as safe "dens" or "caves.'  Always have a soft towel on the pad, since cairns love to dig and burrow deep.  And let them take a favorite toy into their crate, as well.

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