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CMO in Cairns


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Hi, our family is new to the Cairn community, but we have very quickly become incredibly attached to our puppy, now five months old. Everything "the books" and articles say about the breed is true, and I'm sure we'll never leave the fold. Rab was diagnosed with CMO a week ago, and fortunately his episode was mild and the irregular bone growth at this point in minimal. Our vet suggested that some references imply that waiting to neuter might lessen severity. However one article I found on the web implied just the opposite. Does anyone have any information that could help us in this decision?

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I don't have any information myself. I would suggest contacting a member of the CTCA Health Related Concerns committee. They may have some helpful information or additional referral suggestions. Best wishes to Rab and his loving family.

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Guest StaceyRoy

I haven't seen the article on neutering, but do read my post about CMO and Metacam if your baby gets worse and his episodes become painful. I haven't had Max neutered yet (he is 7 months old) and I am interested in what you find out. Hope your little guy never suffers.

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Thanks for your comments and concern! Rab has had two episodes - the first even the vet didn't recognize as CMO but treated him appropriately and he was out of pain the next day. This last round lasted two pitiful days. It's very hard to watch, mainly because he can't lay his head down to sleep. At five months, and especially while in pain, he's not quite trusting enough to let us lay him on his back to find comfort. But he is taking Remidil during painful times and nothing in the interim. Am I to understand that your 7-month old has CMO also?

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Guest StaceyRoy

Yes, Maxwell was diagnosed with CMO right after we got him, at four months old. He had it really bad - couldn't close his mouth, drooling, fever, lots of pain. This lasted for a week - then he had two good weeks, and then it was back to this poor sick puppy. He cycled like that for about two months. It broke my heart to watch him suffer like that. We were trying baby aspirin and something for pain called torbutol - but he was so sick and painful. I read about metacam on the Terrier Club website, and the vet agreed to give it a try. What a miracle drug! I just give him 7 or 8 drops on the day when he seems sleepy and a little sore, and then he's fine. No painful episodes since the beginning of June. Also, the swelling under his chin has gone all the way down. (I know that Metacam can cause ulcers, and so I do not give it regularly - only when necessary to prevent an attack.) I hope this information helps you, or any other dogs suffering from this painful condition.

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Wow, thanks for that information. I will keep the name of that miracle drug for my vet's info. We're hopeful that Rab's episodes will continue to be infrequent and mild, but we understand it may not go that way. He has a very small place on the bone and I check it every day; it has been less inflamed since the last episode also. It's very interesting that you noticed such a difference and I'm happy to hear you've had no episodes since June! I have never heard a reply from the gentleman associated with the health concerns committee. I'm still hoping for a response and I will definitely let you know. Meanwhile, we have enrolled Rab in his second class, puppy agility, and look forward to having fun in this new adventure!

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Guest Stacey Roy

Have fun with puppy agility. We are enrolling Maxwell in obedience class which starts next week - but it's probably too late for him. Because he was so sick, he is now spoiled rotten - and because he's feeling fine, he is slowly destroying my house: He ripped the wallpaper off the walls, dug a hole in the sheetrock, ate the carpeting off the stairs, and now has started on the woodwork. ( No, he is not home alone neglected - he does these things while people are home with him but are not interested in playing with him. ) Still - I wouldn't trade him for anything!

(and maybe it is time to re-decorate.)

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Guest Stacey Roy

CMO is Cranio mandibular Osteopathy. It's a non-cancerous abnormal bone growth around the mouth and can be very painful. It is more common in Westies, but can be seen in other dogs. It's a genetic defect, and not something that is catching. It usually resolves when the dog is about a year old.

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