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Greysen finished his Rally Novice title this past weekend. He worked really well and we had decent scores. They could have been really great scores, but, Greysen's biggest downfall is me holding the leash :shy: Silly mistakes all caused by the handler :cry:

Iz did very well this weekend, as we did Novice obedience for fun and she got a qualifying score and a placement. She also earned her first Rally Advanced leg (also with a placement).

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Well I had set no expectations for the RA leg...I had not been brave enough to try Izze on a full rally course off lead ever (she can be a bit of a stinker when she wants to)! But, since I was going to be there, I may as well try. If it did not work out then call it a very expensive workshop. In this case the gamble paid off :D The other thing I have going is that she really likes to "work" and seems to "get" that the show ring is where we work.

She is a fun dog...and has the gal I train with convinced that if she were ever to get a terrier that it would be a Cairn. Greysen reinforces this sentiment with his winning charm, personality and work ethic.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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