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What do you pay to get your Cairn hand stripped?

Dan L

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I searched the forum and could not find an answer. For those of you who do not do your own hand stripping, what are you looking at for prices? I am not in need of a groomer right now as Brody is only 5 months old, but I want to call around and find someone whom is reasonable. I do not know what to expect for prices as I am calling around. So any reply would be great. I do understand I will need to specify I want his dead coat pulled, not clipped, as that is one of the bigger issues I read when reading other posts about hand stripping.

Also, do all of your cairns like to be brushed? My little guy like is for a second, then all he wants to do is play and chew on the brush. I am hoping this is something he will grow out of, but one never knows!!! He definitely is a cairn 'terror' lately, but he is catching on and listening pretty good to commands, and the house training is going well. So outside of him being a spaz most of the time, he is adorable and is sure to give me a good laugh every day.

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When I handstrip client dogs, I charge a minumum of $25 an hour (nails and a bath are usually extra). If the dog is extrememly difficult, I add an additional $10 an hour. They also must come to me (I have a few clients who are 2 hours away). Depending on the quality of coat, it usually takes me 1-2 hours.

As far as I know, I charge the cheapest rate. I've heard of people charging from anywhere between $60-$90 per hour, but some of those are very talented Terrier handlers who have been doing this for years. I only charge 25 because obviously I'm not doing this to get rich, just something for my time since handstripping is very intensive and is a skill that takes awhile to master.

You can look at the CTCA list of breeders in your area and contact them. Even if it's another Terrier breed, they can usually adapt (Obviously Cairns are my main, but I've had German Wirehaired Pointer and Border Terrier clients, I just do a quick bit of research beforehand to make sure I'm stripping them in the correct pattern.)

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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When I handstrip client dogs, I charge a minumum of $25 an hour (nails and a bath are usually extra). If the dog is extrememly difficult, I add an additional $10 an hour. They also must come to me Depending on the quality of coat, it usually takes me 1-2 hours.

That's a deal- When can I drop my two off? i'd have to pay the 35.00 an hour becuase they would be very unhappy campers.... But seriously where in the midwest are you? LOL :magic:

And to the orginal question, anywere from 30-50 an hour is the going rate in my area (cincinnati)- but finding a groomer who will hand stirp is hard.... a lot of us just learn to do it ourselves and we do a pretty good job.. anyway hair grows back! LOL A grooming table is a must if you are going to go the DIY route- they run around 100.00 and if you think about it, you could spend that on the first grooming trip- it's something to keep in mind.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I'm actually in Northwest IA...I'm pretty close to the corners of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I'm always more than willing to take on new people, but OH might be a bit of a hike for you guys!

I don't charge much because honestly, I do it for fun. I'm a college student so it's just a nice way to make a little extra money here and there (I usually only see my clients once every 3 months or so). I also do a bit of in-home training in my college town

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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I have learned how to strip Buffy myself just because of some of the concerns mentioned here - time transporting the dog, expense, finding a groomer who is familiar with hand stripping, etc.. If Brody is a pet and not a show dog you may be able to do it yourself with a few tools and some time. It also gives you some one-on-one bonding time with the little beast.

Regarding your question about brushing: Buffy is NOT a fan of any kind of grooming - brushing, nails, baths, stripping or trimming. She wiggles and squirms and puts up a fuss, but she's actually improved greatly over the past year. I always make sure I have treats handy to reward her when she holds still for 30 seconds. Strangely, however, it seems to be stripping that causes her the least concern - I guess it feels good to get rid of all that dead hair. Her least favorite thing is when I trim around her privates. Can't say I can criticize her for that! :whistle:

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I used to get my dog groomed in San Francisco for $60/hr. If you would like to purchase a starter kit for grooming you can look this up:



I have to say, I haven't used my Mars King Comb in about 2 years. I prefer hand stripping, but Oscar does not! So I'm going to be learning from a breeder on how to strip. She uses a stripping knife and her hands. So we will see what i get out of it. The book on Cairns is really interesting and helpful.

You will have many years to figure out how to groom your little Cairn. They are a work in progress :thumbsup:

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I'm actually in Northwest IA...I'm pretty close to the corners of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I'm always more than willing to take on new people, but OH might be a bit of a hike for you guys!

:crybaby: Bummer, I was hoping that you were more towards the Illiniois side- Brad nothing wrong with outsourcing!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I take Bailey & Sophie 2 or 3 times a year to their breeder (100 miles round-trip) for a good professional stripping. It's usually $50 per dog, and that includes nails & teeth brushing, and teeth scaling if needed. It takes her about 5 hours to do both dogs, with Sophie being pretty easy & Bailey much harder because he has a much thicker coat & undercoat. I'm sure she would charge more if she didnt' consider them her "grandkids". I'm able to maintain their coats pretty well between those groomings, but I like her to see them a couple times a year just to make sure everything is O.K. with them.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Tracy, I am in IL occasionally for shows. I also have family who lives in IL so we go visit them a few times a year as well to visit them.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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I took Bailey to a breeder for one "grooming lesson" and she worked with me for 3 hours and charged $100, but it was well worth it. She usually would charge $75 for that long, but with the lesson we agreed on an additional 25. If you can find someone to give you a grooming lesson, it would really pay off.

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I finally bit the bullet and made a hand stripping appointment for my 2 beasts. The groomer in my town charges $60/hr. This is the first time either of them will be professionally stripped. I do most of it at home. However, I cannot do the underside, backside, legs or head properly. Buckley is in serious need of some manscaping and Gracie's mudflaps are way too long.

As far as brushing goes, your pup will eventually get used to it. I have tooth marks on all of my grooming brushes. Now, both of mine will sit quitely while I brush them. Once I put their collar back on, they now they can roam around.

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I take Renny in for a grooming about every two months. My groomer specializes in Terriers and is very good at what she does.

A grooming consists of a bath, clipping (scissors, no clippers), combing/brushing, nails and hand stripping "as needed". The groomer will hand strip areas that need it. She may do his head and shoulder area one time and his body the next.

She charges $ 26 per grooming, and I usually tip an extra $ 5.

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