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How To Housebreak Your Dog In 7 Days


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Has anyone else read this book "How To Housebreak Your Dog In 7 Days?" My Cairn is only 10 weeks old, so he isn't ready to officially use the method yet. But I do want him to get on the right track and be prepared for this housebreaking style when he is 16 weeks. Anyways, right now I'm crating him 3 times a day for 2 to 3 hours at a time (while I'm working, someone lets him out twice a day and plays with him). I do it everyday, even when I'm home, he does really well. No accidents and little whining. In the book they discuss setting up a den, in a bathroom or kitchen. Is it too late for me to start putting him in a den during the day, instead of his crate? I don't want to confuse him. Please share your den, crating ideas!

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Sounds like you have a system, I wouldn't change anything if it's working

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I agree with Cairnsby3, if your system is working I wouldn't change a thing. To housebreak Murphy I used the outline presented on the Humane Society of the United States' website. It worked for me.

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Thanks!! I think I'm going to stick to our routine for now and as he gets older I'll modify it. I may try a "den" as he gets older.

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Just read your post re housebreaking book. We used it for both our girls and it worked wonderfully. Gucci took 8 days and Prada 7.

One thing that made it a bit easier for us is that we have a puppy door for access to the back yard.

Are you planning to crate all the time while you are out or just during the training period?

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I have been going back in forth about using the "den method" or crating...but at this point he doesn't mind his crate. I don't really want to confuse him. But as he gets older I would like him to have more freedom, which the den allows.

Did you crate or den your puppy?

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A dog trainer I know once told me that a dog den is a sanctuary you create (or buy) for them that is just large enough for them to fit inside and feel secure. So, we have established our dogs' crates as their dens. We started by making the crates a positive, comforting place for them. When we leave, we close the doors and they usually sleep inside. When we are home, we leave the crate doors open, so they are free to go in and out of them if they wish. Murphy either runs to me or runs and gets in his crate when he hears thunder--which implies to me he feels safe inside. He also 'buries" his toys in his crate! :)

What type of den is described in the book you mentioned? I am always curious to hear about new ways to keep our pups happy!

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I've bought the book twice - worked great with my sheltie ~20 yrs ago, and again with Eddie while I was on vacation. The success seems to be related to how attentive the humans are to the dog with his nose pointing at the door and whimpering! If Ed could learn how to e-mail my kids they might look up from the computer to see the puddle!

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