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water dog?

Guest kbing

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Guest kbing

Well. all the help with Ollie's digging under the fence helped. We have used the chicken wire successfully. HOOWEVER,,,,,,,,,,,, just to keep us on our toes, he has started something new that may be a whole lot more dangerous. We have a cabin on a small inland lake and he has taken to swimming like a duck, which would be ok except, he now terririzes all the boats and fisherpersons who go by. He circles their boats and tries to eat their fishing lures. He recently got a hook in his mouth but it didn't even phase him. My neighbor says he looks awfully tired sometimes when he goes way out there so he usually tries to get him in his boat.

Ollie loves it out there and I hate to tie him up all the time, but I can't be jumping into the water all the time either. Besides, sometimes I'm not even outside and don't know he's gone off onto a new adventure in the water. I'd like to train him to stgay near the cabin. Is that somje sort of impossible dream??? How could I get him to stop this new and unusual behowvior? Do all Cairn's like water this much? My Westie won't go in over an inch. Any advice would be appreciated.....AGAIN. :P Karen;)

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Guest Carrie Armitage

Good Luck with that one! Once they get their mind set on something it's difficult to change things. I feed the birds all over our property which keeps our Pippin very busy in the back yard (squirrels and chippies everywhere as a result). If you are not doing that already, put out peanuts for the squirrels and lots of other treats (sunflower seeds) and your doggie might find the yard too irresistable to leave. I also gave Pippin the job of keeping kitty cats out of the backyard and she takes it very seriously.

If your doggie still won't leave the boats alone you might have to put a fence in the water. I knew a Cairn that actually got bitten by a turtle - seriously, so it is a concern, depending on what your lake has in it.

Also, if you create a little wet land that will attract frogs and toads that will keep them busy. You can buy frogs at most bait shops and stock it yourself. They don't eat them but love to watch for them and will hunt them for hours.

Hoping all goes well!

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