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14 weeks very soft coat


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Hi Everyone!

I'm writing about my new puppy Pepper. She's 14 weeks old. The hair on her tail is very wirey but the rest of her coat is very soft. I've tried testing areas of her coat to see if it's ready to strip, but nothing ever comes out. If she ends up having a soft coat, is stripping still the best method of grooming? Is it possible that she hasn't grown her adult coat yet? She has all of the other characteristics of a Cairn, but I'm concerned because her coat is so soft.

Thanks so much!

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Hi, welcome!

If Pepper's 14 weeks and her breeder did not strip her puppy coat off before placing her, then it's probably just puppy fluff. Pull it when its ready to come out (or you're brave enough to make it come out) and most likely a harsher coat will come in.

Some dogs have a genetically soft coat forever, but I'd give any coat a few years to develop before I gave up on it. Even some soft coats harshen up nicely if they are pulled regularly for a few years.

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