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I'm relativly new to the cairn breed, my dog we had previously just passed away, she was a chow..we also have 2 cats...I read somewhere that it is "impossible" to train cairns against acting out when around cats squirrels etc. I was wondering if anyone owned both a cairn and a cat? Or is it really not the best idea to get one? My chow was fine with the cats, and the cats loved her...I think it's how you bring them up. but just wondering. thanks in advance

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I have two cats and two cairns and they are fine together. The cats were adults when I got my first puppy and after 2 weeks of trying to chase them he got the message that they were in control not him. I just kept telling him "No" when he started to go after them and he quickly learned. I added an adult cairn a couple of years later and they all get along and most of them sleep with us - it's a bit crowed with both the cairns and one of the cats.

I used a baby gate that we could step over for the first little while. The cats would just jump over it to get away from the puppy at first. I made sure I was at home the first few times that all the animals were together just to be on the safe side.

Good luck.

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Guest Raticus

I have had Cairns for years. Most of those years they have shared their lives with cats. They have never had any issues that created problems. they cats even walk with us at times. One cat gets along better w/Ripley than the other but they are tolertant of each other.

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Great question! I just lost my 16yr old cat that I had when i got Maxwell (now 2). He always had an abundance of energy compared to her but never did he show aggression toward her. On June 1st of this year I brought home a new 10 week old kitten and wondered how Max would react because the kitten was so tiny. I feared the worst but in 1 day, Max was giving the kitten a bath!!! Oliver (kitten) is now 5 lbs compared to Max who is 18 but they love playing together. Once in a while I still watch for Max's sharp teeth because he always wrestles and grabs Olivers neck. So until Oliver can stand up for himself I will stay alert but for the actual fear of him purposely hurting him, never. In fact I find them snuggled on my bed during their nap time. I hope this helps.



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