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Earthdog, Canada style

Greg P

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I just returned from Aldergrove BC, where Kona, his sire Stiller and I spent the weekend in the quest of Canadian rats!

Earthdog in Canada is similar, yet different than AKC earthdog. Intro and Junior Earthdog tests are identical.

The Senior Den has two valid scented entrances. In the US, we have a scented entrance and a non scented false exit, which is a dis-qualifier if the dog uses it to enter the tunnel . The time to get to the quarry, time to work and retrieval are the same in Canada as AKC rules are in the US.

The Master Den is very different and much more complex. The hunt up is the same in Canada as here, however, when we get into den work, all similarities end.

The CKC master den as two quarry ends and there are 3 (AKC has 2) obstacles for the dog to negotiate. The three obstacles are a root, a height restriction and side restrictions. The den arrangement is also much more complex.

To pass in the master level, the dog must find the live quarry end within 90 seconds, begin to work within 15 seconds and then work for 30 seconds. Then the judge removes the quarry and relocates the quarry to the other quarry end, which simulates "bolting" quarry. The dog then has two minutes to relocate the quarry. He may come out of the den area, at which time the handler may give an additional command to "find the rats". Once the dog relocates the quarry, this time he must work 60 seconds. After 30 seconds, the judge simulates digging, just like we do in the last 30 seconds of our AKC test.

This weekend Kona had a chance to test his abilities in this master den. He has earned a dozen AKC ME legs to date and knows the US game well. The Canadian game proved a little more challenging.

We were able to run the Masters test 3 times over the weekend. In all three tests, he received high praise from the judges for his hunts, indication and honoring. In his first test, he found the first quarry end fine, but was overtime on his relocation. In his second test, he had trouble finding the main quarry end (he kept getting confused with the 2nd quarry end). In both cases, however, I couldn't be more proud of him. He worked underground both times well over three minutes to figure out the puzzle without giving up. In his second test I heard him going back and forth over the root obstacle many times. Finally on the 3rd test, he put it all together for his first CKC Master qualifying leg.

To date there are only three CKC Master level earthodgs. One is a border terrier, the other two are cairn terriers, and all are from the Northwest. Piper, the border terrier was the first CKC ME. The second is a cairn terrier bitch named Andy, and the third is a cairn terrier male named Serge. All are from Canada. Piper is the first terrier to hold an ME in both the US and Canada. There is a well known NW Westie who has been sitting on 3 legs for quite some time, (4 legs are needed for the coveted ME title) and this weekend he went home empty handed.

We'll be returning in September to continue the quest to attempt to become the FIRST CAIRN TERRIER to hold dual ME titles, in the both US and Canada. At this point Kona is the first cairn terrier (and up until this weekend was the only cairn terrier) to hold dual SE titles in the US and Canada.

There are now TWO cairn terriers that hold dual titles SE titles. Kona, and his sire STILLER! Stiller passed 3 of 4 SE tests in Canadian soil to bring back his CKC SE title. For those who know Stiller, he was completely in his element and charmed the earthdog judges and crowd with his never ending enthusiasm and outstanding den work. His recall in the 2nd test was a quick 4.5 seconds (tying Kona's best recall time).

Our Canadian hosts, BC Sea to Sky Earthdog Club, rolled out the red carpet for the US earthdoggers. They couldn't have been friendlier and more accommodating. I can't wait for our return in September!

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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Congrats! That master test sounds great. I've no doubt Kona will come to master (sorry) it.

The thing about the Canadian test being hard is that there's NO DOWN SIDE. Fun for the dogs, and the more trips to Canada the better :P

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Brad, you're right about NO DOWN SIDE for the difficulty. Kona's 2nd run of the weekend was the most thrilling run for me in his earthdog career. He DID NOT pass that run, but to watch him figure out puzzle, was, well thrilling. I continue to be amazed with their problem solving ability.

Here is a photo of "The Boys" and a photo of Kona accepting his ribbon.


Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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:qualify: What a handsome bunch. And quite an acomplishment! Congratulations!
Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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How much better can it get, take your dog to an event watch them having fun solving puzzles, and come home with a leg. CONGRATULATIONS KONA, STILLER & GREG. Do the rats in Canada make noise in french to throw off the US dogs,if so mabye French lessones next. It never ends but what fun.


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Greg congrats! How in the world do you get your dog to recall out of the tunnel in 4 seconds? Do you wait to give the recall command until the dog is quieted down after they cover the rat? Have you used another reward to condition your dog to come away from the rat?

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Greg congrats! How in the world do you get your dog to recall out of the tunnel in 4 seconds? Do you wait to give the recall command until the dog is quieted down after they cover the rat? Have you used another reward to condition your dog to come away from the rat?

Recall has never been a problem for either Kona or Stiller. I have not faced the challenges with these two that I see other handlers go through. In some ways I've been lucky there!

As I was introducing the concept of the tunnel recall to Kona, we first practiced in a JR. (shorter) tunnel. He came out the first time, I praised him up good and give him a chicken treat, and we never looked back from there. We do work on recall training in the field. On the young dogs, I use a long line. I have had to bring Kona back on long recalls in master hunts.

I have assisted handlers in practice solve tunnel recall issues. It's my theory that the dog will come out of the tunnel....someday. We set the practice up in a junior tunnel. After suitable work, we remove the rats. I instruct the handler to call the dog one time. ONE TIME ONLY. No nagging, begging, any of that stuff. I give the rat cage to the handler, who keeps it on his/her lap. We grab a couple of lawn chairs and just sit and converse in front of the tunnel opening.

When the dog comes out, he sees the quarry is now with mom/dad. We let them worry the prey in the cage plenty for reward.

We send the dog right back in to work and remove the rats again.

One handler and I sat out for 22 minutes with a parsons. The next time out was 5 seconds. The dog passed its next test on recall. I had a cairn take 6 minutes to come out, and 15 seconds the next time. Sometimes one time does it, sometimes we need to do it a couple of times.

As you can see in the Canadian master test, the dog must relocate the quarry after the first find. They can come all the way out (the handler is entitled to one legal command if they do) or they know the quarry has "bolted" and are free to explore around until called.

We have several recalls timed for Kona at 5 seconds or less. He is often at the mouth of the tunnel about the time I get there to call him. Actually it's pretty cool if I time it right to call him and he's there in my arms a split second later.

Rich, You have the spirit of it! It's a very cool thing being a partner with the dog, doing what they were bred to do. Thankfully we're on the BC side. The rats still understand the Queen's English!

When I get the chance to take Kona and Stiller into a field (I try to always get them out in the evenings after the event is over (away from tests areas), I'm working with two very talented and field obedient earthdogs. They are both charcoal gray/black and totally enthusiastic! What a kick

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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