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Guns in town and guns in the country



I lived in Chicago for ten years. I heard guns every night. People were shooting and killing each other. Everyday folks killed from fear, from anger, from need to beat rivals and rival gangs. The police shot to try and keep order.

I've lived in the back country for twenty years I hear guns every Fall and some in the Spring. Hunters are killing animals and birds. They hunt for the thrill of the chase, for food to put in the freezer, maybe for a trophy to hang on the wall.

This is an area where two generations ago you had better hunt for ducks and deer and rabbits and anything else you could find or you would be going hungry. That turkey for Thanksgiving was out in the woods, not in the supermarket.

Even today the nearest large towns are fifty miles away. The nearest convenience store is five miles from my house and the nearest supermarket ten miles - which is a long way in the winter. People still stock up. People can and freeze food in the late Summer and now in the Fall.

When I first moved out here I thought oh how cruel to kill Bambi - those great big eyes, those cute dappled little fawns dropped in the bushes that border my yard. I have grown to understand the hunting inheritance, to respect most of the hunters Angus and I meet. They are lovers of the forests and fields, streams and lakes, preservers of the wilderness where the wild animals still roam free.

Yes some come up from downstate to drink and play cards and bang their guns. They take the antlers to show what great hunters they are. They leave the body to rot in the woods. Not something a true hunter would do.

Pretty much everyone in this country has a gun. There's lots of ways to use them.


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I must admit I am glad we aren't allowed to carry firearms for personal protection here in Canada. It doesn't stop of course the "bad" aspect of humanity getting a hold of illegal weapons, and going on a killing spree, but at least you know when tempers flare in parking lots, stores etc the average Joe can't reach in his pockets in a moment of extreme anger and blow a hole in some one.

I myself cannot imagine killing an animal for the joy of just hunting, but no doubt there are folks out there that need to fill their freezers with a cheaper source of meat. I am not far off being a vegetarian as I get older. Tough when you live with two carnivores!

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I agree with you, most hunters are lovers of the outdoors.

A large portion of hunting fees go to support habitat. My family has hunted for 4 generations. Our Luigi is not such a lover of guns though. It's not cheap to hunt. The fees/permits are expensive. If you are going to eat meat it's much better to eat something from the wild then from a grocery store. Regarding Terrier lover's comment, "the average Joe can't reach into their pockets in a moment of extreme anger and blow a hole in some one." Average Joe's don't do that.

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Agree with you Rhonda. Meat from the wild has not be fed hormones, antibiotics and fattening food.

In our area there are many who live near poverty levels. The dairy farms are selling up, the logging and railroads are long gone. We depend a lot on tourists but that's not always enough. 

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we buy bison meat not only for Rosie but for our own consumption. At least they are out on the land grazing, and not in a feed lot situation. My DH likes the taste of wild game, me not so much.

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Pepper Bug's Mom


Those cattle feed lots are HORRIBLE....and the poor pigs.  It does make sense to grow your own or buy from local guy who lets the cattle roam free....

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